Chapter 6

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"Yeah... yeah. A date. Okay"


Miguel offered you his arm, and you took it. You followed him as he lead you into the restaurant, sitting down at your table. You made small basic conversation.

He asks how your day was, you just told him it was good. You lied. It was the most tiring day of your life. You told him you just spent your day enjoying a book... you wish that's what you were doing. But you are glad you got to save all those people.

"So, what all did you do?"

You ask him, tilting his head, curious to how he spends his free time.

"I had work. Nothing to special."

"Mm.. so what all do you do at alchemax anyways? Before you got promoted?"

"Ah, im a geneticist."

"Oh genetics hmm? That's cool.. I had an interest in that In Highschool, never ended up pursuing a career though.."

"Oh? Why not?"

"Some stuff just happened.. got in the way, never got the chance..."

You say a bit sadly. When you where finishing up Highschool, your family died... somehow some scientists got wind of your abilities and showed up at your house one day. . They killed everyone trying to get to you. Which they did.

But you didn't want to think of that now.

"Oh, I know, you still could if you wanted too"

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I mean it's not to late"

"Hmm... I'll look more Into it"

You smile,  and be returns it.

You talk for abit longer before the waiter comes by to take your orders. You both get your favorite dishes  and Miguel gets a bottle of wine, much to your enjoyment.

The food comes out soon enough. And your mouth waters. It smells amazing, and looks amazing too.

Before the waiter leaves he pours you and Miguel both each a glass of wine, wishing you well before going to serve his other tables.

You instantly dive into your food, kind of forgetting your on a date. But it seems Miguel doesn't mind, as he just chuckles under his breath and starts eating his food aswell.

You take a sip of your wine, just happening to look up at the same time as miguel . You make eye contact and he smiles warmly at you. You blush.

You still couldn't believe you were on a date with this man. The man who held you so strongly in his arms in the dance. The man everyone was looking at that night. The man who walked you home and saved himself under 'migue<3'

Your smile grows at the thought of his contact and you can't help but wonder why he saved himself as that.

"So. Migue~"

His eyes go wide at hearing you call him that, you notice a faint blush on his face. He tries to play it off.


"Got any hobbies? Besides work?"

He seems to think of a response, glancing away before his gaze slowly turns back to meet yours.

"Not a lot.. but if it counts I like sometimes going to high spots looking out over the city. It's so peaceful then.."

He admits and your smile grows. AWHHH this man. He keeps getting cuter and cuter while still being the most handsome and hot person you have ever laid your eyes on.

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