promises (perekoo)

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a/n: I know that a few people have requested stuff and I am currently working on that. This is just something I posted on ao3. Thank you for your patience.

Alma had never been a religious person. Her parents had claimed to be, but they were never true. So as she sat in the pews, she felt as though she were her five-year-old self again, an inept Catholic. She didn't understand any of the words on the wall, the statues, or why she had to kneel before sitting down. It felt different and it made her feel discouraged. Alma had always known everything about anything, ever since the academy, ever since she made her first loop, everything had always come easily to her. Yet, here she was, in a setting that she knew nothing about. 

She had noticed all the looks that the people had given her. Could they sense her nerves? Were they making fun of her? Or were their eyes just meeting hers at the same time? Looks had never bothered her before and she knew that was not the reason why she was so anxious. 

It was silly. She hadn't been on tenterhooks when they had had the conversation. And she hadn't been like this when she stepped into the town and watched as the Church came into view. It wasn't until she walked in and gave a hesitant bow that she began fidgeting with her dress and counting the crosses on the wall. As she stared into the eyes of one statue, she felt her heart race even more. A guilty feeling came across her. 

Alma quickly shook it off and took out her pocket watch. It was only 4 minutes and 37 seconds until the mass started. They had separated for a bit and now Alma was beginning to worry. She rolled her eyes as she looked at the door to find no one. She knew that Isabel wouldn't leave her alone during the mass but dear birds... please don't let her waltz in while the pastor is giving his sermon. 

Alma watched as some people prayed, she wondered what they were praying about. Money? their family? The corrupt world that they lived in? There was a multitude of possibilities. As her eyes lingered over the pews, she watched as a mother tried to console her child, and how some women whispered to each other, each taking turns to look at the desperate mother. She felt her eyes roll again. If the Lord was listening, please God, help those women mind their own business and turn their attention to you. 

Alma's chest raised with a sigh, 2 minutes and-

She felt a familiar sillage pass behind her. As she turned, she was met with the familiar silver eyes that she had loved ever since she first saw them. She pretended to be irritated but she wasn't sure how long she could keep up the facade. She felt a hand settle on her thigh, slowly making its way up. Once it did, it unraveled her crossed arms and settled itself on top of her right hand. She felt herself melting when that French accent whispered into her ear. A blush rose to her cheeks and she turned to Isabel, her future wife. 

The once guilty nerves that she had were whooshed away by Isabel's presence. She was no longer counting the crosses but instead, she was counting the minutes until she would be a "married" woman. Her heart leaped in a childish manner as she thought. When she was a young ymbryne, Alma had given up the idea of getting married. So when she found herself telling her wards that she would be entering this new chapter of her life, she could feel the once blazing fire become ignited again.

Isabel squeezed her hand as they stood. They watched as the father entered and greeted everybody. They watched with beating hearts as the father read and gave his homily. And they felt reality settle in as they received the Eucharist. This time she felt no nerves, she smirked as she finally felt like she knew something, only those who were baptized and confirmed could receive the Eucharist. Though she couldn't help but let out a giggle as Isabel was blessed by the priest. 

When they returned to their pew, Isabel took a box out of her pocket. It was a black velvet box with a gold ribbon around it. Suddenly the rest of the mass did not matter to them. Alma watched with anticipation as the ribbon fell and the box was opened. She stared up at Isabel with a warm smile. She felt the familiar feeling of kalopsia come upon her. She had felt it when she first met a mud-covered Isabel and she was feeling it as she watched Isabel slide the ring onto her finger. 

Alma had opted for a less stylish ring whilst Isabel had gone for a more glamorous one. Alma's was a gold band with a line of silver in the middle. On the inside, Isabel's name was engraved. Or to be more specific, "property of Isabel's wife, ALP."  Sure it was cliche but Alma knew that every time she looked at it she would feel all her worries fall away, for she had found her soulmate. She took the more tasteful ring and placed it on Isabel's finger. It was gold as well and contained a green stone that was surrounded by gold leaves and silver diamonds. And just like Alma's, her initials were engraved onto the inside of Isabel's ring. 

The rest of the mass had gone by in a breeze. Alma and Isabel walked side by side towards the docks. Alma watched as she noticed the lives of the people around them. She watched as street sellers tried to bring in customers, as children ran around, and as carriages rushed through the streets. She thanked the Lord as she discreetly held Isabel's hand. Did these people know their secret? Did they know that she was a married woman now? She rolled her eyes and chuckled. She felt her companion chuckle and she turned her head to face Isabel, her wife. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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