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The first two months of school had passed in the blink of an eye. Most of my classes were pretty hard but I'm not complaining, Zach already has a 25-page paper due by the end of next week.

Speaking of Zach, ever since my interview I had been talking to him a lot. We talked about random things like our favorite fruit, best soccer team, favorite fast food place, icks, and just continued to become closer friends. 

"I can't believe the first two months of freshman year are over!" Imani exclaimed. She had been so ready for this week to end to have a break. I don't blame her, we all needed one too. Turns out that having 8 AM classes was alright for me for now, but I plan to be number one on the waitlist in the fall for spring class schedules. Getting up and getting ready for the day as Imani was in bed was starting to piss me off.

"Reneé the bonfire is later this evening let's go!" she said excitedly which wasn't abnormal, but something about the way she said it this time had me skeptical. What was so exciting about sitting around a flame?

"Imani you sound VERY excited...." I paused a questionable stare lingering on her. 

"I am just excited to get out of the room. All we do is go to class and come back Reneé, and I've barely seen James and the rest. It'll be nice to hang out," she said, trying to convince me nothing else was happening but I could read people very quickly.

"Sure, Imani."


After putting on some flared black sweatpants with an oversized hoodie, Imani and I walked toward the bonfire. It's crazy how quickly the weather changes in New England, I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing next week.

"RENEÉ! IMANI! " Zach yelled across the field as he lightly jogged to where we were standing.

"Hey, girls. Y'all going to the bonfire?" He asked, pulling out his phone and quickly texting someone.

"We are Zachariah, you," Imani questioned, a confused look on her face as she looked around Zach as if searching for something around him.

"I am ma'am, but can we wait for James for a minute? He was supposed to be here," he said, finally looking up and staring at Imani hugging her before his gaze landed on me, a light smile creeping on his lips. 

"Hey gorgeous," he walked over to me pulling me in for a side hug, his heated body warming mine up slightly. With his arm still around me, we watched James run toward us quickly.

"James slow down damnn we're not going anywhere," I laughed, watching as he caught his breath before wrapping his arm around Imani's waist.

"You're not funny Reneé, and why is it so fucking cold what the fuck!" James exclaimed, letting a little laugh out himself as Imani hit him on the shoulder. 

Getting out of Zach's embrace, I started walking towards the bonfire. It's not that I didn't enjoy being in his embrace, but I needed to be near something warmer and I was craving s'mores. The last time I had one was freshman year in high school during a bonfire. What a full-circle moment.                   As Zach, Imani, and James caught up to me, we talked about our classes and how quickly freshman year was already going, I mean to think we just graduated?

When we got there, Imani and James went over to look for drinks as Zach and I went to get some s'mores.

"Hey," Zach bumped into my shoulder lightly. As I looked up at him, I noticed his blush-filled cheeks and red nose and ears. Smiling, I grabbed his face in an attempt to warm it up, his deep blue eyes started to search my face like he usually did. 

crocodile (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora