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The lyrics of this song talk about the protagonist's desire for their partner's love and attention. Well in Zachariah's case his best friend...


Walking out of the elevator as I reach the lower level of Reneé's dorm building, I take out my phone in an attempt to call her and it goes straight to voicemail again.

Where are you Reneé?

As I walk towards the lounge I hear her laughter, her distinct delicate laugh, and I walk towards it like a bee drawn to a flower. I couldn't lie and say seeing her with Aaron made me jealous. I've never wanted to be with someone as madly as I wanted to be with her. I guess they were right when they said distance makes the heart grow fonder.

The last few weeks felt amazing finally reconciling with Reneé. I tried to friendzone her in my mind multiple times, even having meaningless hookups with girls during the process, but I just ended up thinking about her through it all. I don't know what it was, and I knew I had other things to be worried about like school and the family issues, but they all went away when I was near her. She makes me forget everything. I don't understand how. 

Walking into the lounge I see about six people gathered around on the couches, the TV playing Kaytranada on the lowest volume possible.

Reneé did that, I smiled thinking to myself.

Walking in quietly I sit next to her and wait for her to notice me. And she does, spitting her water directly in my face. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she rushes out, using her hoodie to pat down on my face. Slowly lowering her hand from my face I notice her surprised and confused expression.

"I'm good don't worry. I thought you were going to be in the room, I knocked but you weren't responding and I thought I heard your laugh when I was coming in and well here you are," I say, taking in her beauty. She was so cute when she was flustered, and I wanted so badly to hold her in my arms.

I introduced myself to the group, and they continued with their game of never have I ever. The last time I played such a children's game without alcohol was so long ago, I feel like a kid again. Some kid named Megan asked if any of us had ever consumed alcohol. Everyone in the group but her lifts their hands, noticing this her excited expression seems to fall.

"You know it's nothing to be embarrassed about Megan," Reneé starts, "we should be the ones embarrassed for drinking. Imagine if cops were here right now. And you don't need to drink to become cool or have fun I promise you, you can have fun without being intoxicated," she finishes, reassuring her. 

Throughout this, I continued to look at her. The way she spoke to others was something I admired about Reneé, and I know I shouldn't be thinking about a friend like I have been thinking about her for the past weeks. Smiling softly, I shake out these thoughts and run a hand through my hair. 

"Never have I ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend," another kid brings up. Everyone raises their hand this time, except Reneé. Turning to face her I lift an eyebrow, shocked and astonished that nobody had ever been with such an amazing girl. 

That's good, nobody knows the real her but herself

They continued the game, and before we knew it, it was midnight. Reneé and I excused ourselves and started walking towards her dorm. "That was fun wasn't it?" she asked, her voice echoing in the quiet dimly lit hallways.

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