A Polar Bear Called Forth - Ch 3

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Caitlin left Gran with her tea and biscuits and brought Forth into her bedroom. Changed, she then placed him, still damp, on the windowsill.

'Well Forth, this is going to be your new home for a wee while. And that out there is Queensferry or South Queensferry to be precise. What do you think, pal?'

They both looked out of the window. This was her town, her place. Familiar and safe. And now, if she had thought this Christmas wasn't quite the same, felt that for whatever reason, she was recently more alone here in this flat, she now had a friend in the shape of a young polar bear. A young polar bear in Scotland.

Rain was falling steadily on the rooftops. The Firth of Forth was slipping under the rail bridge and disappearing into a grey horizon. Corners of backstreets were curtained in shadows as the dank and gloom allowed the evening to seep uninvitedly into the afternoon.

There was the distant sound of a ship's horn sounding out as it left Queensferry. A police siren made its way through the town. The muffled sound of Christmas music came from next door. Above, someone's chair scratched along the floor. Then a pause. A small moment of silence.

Caitlin looked at Forth; young, vulnerable and needing to find his way in this world, needing to find where he belonged.

'Queensferry?' said Forth.

Caitlin smiled. 'Och, not much of a place I know. You'll be safe here mind, until... well, until we find you a home and, who knows, maybe other polar bears.'

'Where's all the white?' asked Forth.

'Well, it has been known to snow here pal, and usually this time of year. So who knows, maybe this year we'll get some.'

Caitlin looked into the distance where the heavy looking Firth of Forth joined the slate grey sky.

'I miss my mum,' said Forth.

'Well, that's something we've got in common, wee one,' said Caitlin.

'It is?'

'Aye. Mind, my gran's a good mum, if you know what I mean. Like, she's not my actual mum but she's just like one. I do hear from my proper mum. Christmas money. Cards for my birthday, sometimes a day or two late. I've not seen her since I was three. I can't even remember her that well. I've just this photo of me with her which my gran took. I must have been a toddler.'

Caitlin picked up the picture from her bedside cabinet and showed it to Forth.

'So, you never went and looked for her?' asked Forth.

'No. Maybe I will when I'm older. But then she's not come looking for me either.'

'That's sad.'

'There's no need to be sad, wee man. I'm happy enough. I've got my gran. I've got a place to stay. This is all I need. If my mum doesn't want to see me, well... fine. Anyway, I'm Caitlin or you can call me Cat if you want. Most of my pals do. Except Gran.'

Forth didn't say anything and instead he continued to look out of the window.

'Right, pal,' said Caitlin, 'here you are, without a mum. So, you've got me to look after you now. I'll do my best, to be sort of like a mum, making sure you're fed, watered and looked after. Then we'll see about getting you back to where you belong. How does that sound?'

Forth was still quiet, still looking out of the window. Caitlin wondered what he was thinking, what memories he had, where he'd been.

'I'm a long way from home, aren't I?' said the cub.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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