0. Tragedy

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3rd P.O.V

The two little girls didn't know how it happened, one minute they were playing in the park together, Riley watching over her sister to make sure she wasn't hurt, the next minute they were in the hospital because their daddy said that momma had collapsed so suddenly. The two little girls were in the waiting area while their daddy was in the room with his wife trying to figure out what was going on.

"Riri, is momma gonna be okay?" Lily asked looking up at her using the nickname that she made up for her older sister when she first moved into her new home. Lily rubbed her eyes as she tried to be a big girl and not fall asleep so she could see her momma.

Riley looked down at her and smiled calmly washing away any fear in Lily's heart as she patted Lily's head softly trying to lure her to take a nap.

"She's gonna be just fine, momma's tough she can get through anything now why don't you take a nap" Riley stated but Lily quickly shook her head and grabbed onto Riley's arm.

"But I don't want to take a nap Riri I wanna be awake so I can see momma, I won't take a nap I won't, I won't!" Lily exclaimed starting to get loud so Riley decided to get her bag and take out something Lily couldn't ignore...A fairytale book. As soon as Lily saw the book her eyes lit up and she settled down in an instant. Riley smiled as she opened the book to where they last stopped and began to read using her quiet voice to hopefully lure Lily into a nap. 

As she was reading Riley couldn't help but look across the hall to see her daddy arguing with the doctor. This scared her a bit as her daddy never raised his voice but she knew she had to be brave for Lily, and a few minutes later Lily was fast asleep. While Riley was about to doze off herself when daddy suddenly walks up to them, picks Lily up and says 

"Honey your momma wants to see you go to room 312 while I take care of your sister okay?"

Riley nodded and made her way to the room, and as soon as she she opened the door her heart shattered, her momma looked so weak in the bed she was put in, her eyes sunken but still trying to shine for her daughters.

"Riley το όμορφο μωρό μου (My beautiful baby) come here" As her momma opened her arms as far as she could to feel Riley's embrace. Riley immediately ran to her mother's embrace  and cried softly thinking the worst.

"Oh baby don't cry I'll be back to my old self I promise ok? now don't cry be strong and remember to take care of your younger sister okay?" Riley nodded and wiped her tears, but her momma didn't keep her promise. As days turned into weeks their momma was getting weaker and weaker until she didn't wake up again

After the funeral Lily was in her room sleeping as their daddy wept holding the black rose in his hand as Riley watched. As their daddy looked up at her he suddenly became angry and yelled at her to go to her room. Poor Riley was so scared that she immediately ran to her and Lily's room where she cried softly. After a few minutes she went to her desk where she pulled a greek language book and started to read 

"Don"t worry momma I'll try to teach Lily the language too just for you"  

The black rose: In the language of flowers, roses have many different meanings. Black roses symbolize ideas such as hatred, despair, death or rebirths.

Thank you all so much for reading this chapter, till next time love you all my petals  <3

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