Part 8

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Darkness. At this point this is only comforting, from me being used to it...I never really examined it but, Its isn't pitch black it has some color to it I just cant describe it...Huh. Axel would be talking to me by now. "Axel?" I called out. But I heard no response. Then that comforting darkness became uncomfy. I felt something watching me. "Cmon axel this isn't funny!" Fuck man, I'm getting scared. "Daichi," "AAAH!" He appeared in front of me. "FUck! MAN DONT DO THAT!" He rolled his eyes. "more or less about that, you have something you wanna tell me? " He spoke out, balling his fist to create his power. "Yeah, I do. uhm, You know how yesterday you gave me a dream that I was fucking with Tahj? You know.. Ehhh.. Ah.. Uhm. We started dating and like.. Ahem.. I maybe possibly told him...... About you????" He didn't seem upset, instead he, Started to glow, "Lucky enough for you.. I keep draining in both your energy.. " loud ringing hit my ears. I shut my eyes and covered my ears, groaning, fuck! What the hell is he doing? shit the hurts so bad!.. All I heard was mumbling and, someone started shaking me, I opened my eyes but everything was blurry, Finally I regained my sight, and I could start to hear.. "daichi fuck man!" I know that voice, It's Tahj's! "baby you okay? " I looked around and found Axel looking smug and, smiling at the both of us.. "Tahj! Ive heard about so much about you, from my best host! How are you?" Tahj hugged me, making sure I was okay, and looked around before stopping at Axel "Your Axel?.. Huh.. Okay.." He seemed like he was taking everything in. You know he's my best friend because he isn't freaking out, just like I didn't care. "your the sex demon," He finally said. Axel, floating, sat on his stomach, kicking his feet, Hummed out a yes. He puffed up his power. Playing scenes with us together. "You see since Daichi is my host, I drain in all his energy, sexual energy, at that, And since I'm getting more powerful.." He chuckled "Im finally being able to drain it from when he's not sleep. And you guys made such beautiful energy together, and I was surprised I drained yours too, You guys must really like each other..Your here because you want to sign the contract to, right? Can't be having your boyfriend doing this alone," he clicked his tongue. Tahj looked at me, then at Axel. "That's right." Axel flew in loops, "Wonderful! Just sign this," poofing up the contract he gave me on the first day. Along with that fancy feather pen. tahj took one last look at me before signing it. I finally grabbing the strength to stand, whatever powers Axel has they hurt like hell. tahj got up with me. "Your seriously, doing this babe?" I asked him. "Why not? I want to do everything together. No matter if it's difficult or not." he answered. "Well you heard it boss. What dream got for us today?" Axel moved a bit, still drawing power into his hands, crossing his legs, "Since I have the both of you I'll be draining in more power. The contract clearly states one dream per day. But! I want you to fuck everyday in the real world" HUH?? "THIS RAM HOUSE I CALL A BOYFRIEND WOULD KILL ME. " I threw my arm, and pointed at Tahj. "HEY!" "I understand, but your bored with life aren't you daichi? Im trying to speed up the process as much as I can," I sighed. I don't really mind as long as it's tahj. "Fine." I breathed out. I looked at him holding my hand out. He took it. "seems like were going to get into some deep shit huh?" He slapped my ass "OWWW!" "but what was that about me killing you huh?! I'll show you, killing you sexually!" Axel looked at us arguing , and at the corner of my eye I saw him snap his fingers. The world faded into colors..


The world slowly turning into colors, I'm lying in bed. Tahj is here. He's sleep. I get out of bed, I don't know if, this is a dream or not.. I find his hoodie on the floor.. I pick it up sniffing it. Mmm.. I love the way he smells. I never really looked at tahjs room. I was always focused on him, and his smell.. He's a big nerd, with posters of everything he likes. Lights everywhere, and.. Huh.. What's that? I look to find a box. Going back to my dream with ja'von, and robbing the bank. This box is big trouble. I sit down, with it in my hand.. I never noticed this in tahjs room. I don't know if he actually has it or.. Wait, I do remember.. Seeing a key Round here. Fuck. Where was it.. I remember grabbing his hoodies and seeing it.. Fuck daichi think think... Where was it. By his Ps4. I tipped Toed slowly. Finding the key. Fuck yeah! Eat it up, I'm smart as hell. I opened the box. Huh..? Is that.. A flesh light? I never really seen one in real life... But theres more in there.. What is that? I picked a note up. Unfolding it.... It's me? "what the fuck.," SHIT.. I SAID THAT OUT LOUD.. I covered my mouth, and looked over to the bed. I didn't see anything.. Thank god tahj is sleeping heavy right now. Thank you Axel! I looked at the pictures glued to the paper. And it's me.. Touching myself... What.. This doesn't make sense I live so far away from him.. And.. It's from the angle of my window. He did really?.. Or is this just apart of the dream? Is tahj really obsessed with me? I don't why, but.. I wave of happiness came over me. And I smiled hugging the paper.. You know.. I wouldn't mind if this is true. He actually jerks off to me. I mean.. When we fuck he always give 210..and it feels amazing.. Shit.. I started to pant.. Thinking about it just.. Shit, that's embarrassing. I looked over and saw the flesh light.. Tahj.. Used that.. To jerk off to me. I grabbed it. And I got up going to the living room outside his room. I wanna stain this with my cum too. I pulled down my boxers. Just looking at it made me wet. I'm a fucking mess. Do I even know how to work this thing? I didn't think this through.. Should be straight forward. "haa.. " I moaned softly slowing pumping myself. Whats wrong with me? Fuck.. I placed the flesh light on my cock. It tightly wrapped around me. I groaned softly. I'm trying my best not to wake tahj. I really don't want him to see. I pumped softly. Moaning out. Everytime it moved. Why does this actually feel good?.. It's not like the real thing but.. Haaah.. I wanna go faster. Fuck, nghh.. I see why he likes this thing.. Mmh!..

I keep hearing weird noises. It's muffled, but. It's annoying. I'm trying to sleep. Why am I trying to sleep? I don't know. I just have this feeling I have to. The last thing I remember is being with daichi and... Axel! Fuck wait am I in a dream! So fucking cool! Wait if I'm in a dream then those weird noises are.. Daichi! Fuck. Where are they coming from? The living room. I get out of bed, I peek out my door. My door leads straight out to the living room. The sight almost made me hard. Daichi he found my flesh light. He's using it.. Fuck. If he found my flesh light then he found the pictures. Ughhh! So embarrassing but! He's using it he must like it. But what if doesn't though? I mean if he's using it is obviously does. But I don't have enough information to make a satisfactied conclusion. Shit! Why am I over thinking this! No time for trying to make everything make sense. I should be watching this perfect sight. I'm a pervert. But hey, I established that a long time ago. - What's he doing.. Is he fingering himself? Fuck Daichi.. I swear I just wanna watch but your making so hard to not, just to come touch you fuck fuck..I wanna fuck him so bad. What am I thinking?? Well I mean I'm not that down bad. He's using my flesh light! Still what if Axels making him and he actually doesn't like it. WHY AM I OVER THINKING AGAIN?! UGH! He likes this. I know daichi I know my daichi. Hes so pretty.. So fucking pretty. Everything he does it's so perfect, but him like this? I wish he could make those faces and noises all the fucking time.
Ugh, fuck I'm hard, Man I wish he could see how much of a mess he makes me.. Mmmf.. I pull out my dick, and I start rubbing.. I'm so wrong for this.. But you know he is my boyfriend, I could do this if I wanted to. Right? He makes me feel so good. Ngh.. I try and match the pace, that he's doing. Mmh.. He's going fast. And he's making more noises. Fuck he's so pretty. He makes me want to cum so bad. But I want to cum with him. Nnh.. Fuck. I can't. Daichi... Shit. You're making me go insane. I know you're thinking about me. He's close and I know it. I wish I could, go out there. But no, this is enough for me. This reminds me of the time, I would do this... Haah.. Just like old times.. Nghh.. Come on baby, cum for me. Hes speeding up. It's like he heard me. There you go baby.. Fuck fuck..! Ngh.. I grip my cock harder pumping faster...I started to moan into my other hand. He makes me want to cum even if he's not touching me. Oh, god, I love you so much. Come on cum for me. Your close. And I want to cum too. He suddenly screamed out, calling out my name. And I broke. I moaned out into my hand. Cumming onto my wall.. I watched as he panted "I can't believe I just did that.. Babe.. Did you have a good show? " huh?!.. I was sure.. I didn't make loud noises. "I know your there babes" "how did you?" "I'm a seasoned veteran at these dreams, can you come help clean...?" Ah! I pulled my pants completely up. "Sure..!"

D's pov
I woke up. But not sweating or tired like always. I was met with warmth. I moved, and I heard someone groan. Its Tahj. "Babes, You gotta get up," "No..." "Fine, I'll just make breakfast for myself," I pouted. "BREAKFAST?? daichis breakfast?? No no no I'm up! Fuck!.." "That's what I thought."
He's so grumpy in the morning he's so cute. I should get up to cook before he throws a fit...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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