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"Hii wonnie" sunoo exclaimed hugging my back

"Oh hi sun" I muttered

"What's wrong?" Sunoo asked while he released his hug from me and stood in front of me

"It's nothing" I answered knowing I lied

"Jungwon, We have been friends since we were little kids so don't lie"

"I know I know"

"Do you think riki likes me back?" I questioned

"Duh if he doesn't it's his loss to be honest" sunoo yelled

"If he doesn't like you I will b-" as sunoo was talking
I covered his mouth before he says something wild

"Ok ok I get it" I replied

"Oh look there's riki-"

"I mean ni-ki right there" sunoo said trying to avoid eye contact with me

"I'm sorry wonnie, don't be mad" sunoo muttered

"Why would I be mad at you over something like that it's fine sun" I replied smiling and hugging him

As I was hugging sunoo I heard a voice behind me

"Hey jungwon"

"Hi riki" I replied with a genuine smile on my face

"You not gonna say hi to us?" Heeseung added while walking from behind riki

"You guys are so cute" sunoo exclaimed as he took out his phone and took a photo of us

"Lemme me see" Jake and Hokama said while walking over to see the photo sunoo just took

"Shouldn't we be in class already?" Sunghoon said walking up to us

"Oh hey hoon" I exclaimed smiling

"H-hi sunghoon" Jake exclaimed while he was definitely blushing

It was pretty obvious that Jake likes Sunghoon but Sunghoon crush on Jake was not obvious at all

"You two look cute" Me and riki said at the same time while pulling out our phone to take pictures

"You two are so in sync right now" Jay added

"Smile for the picture" I exclaimed as I was about to take the picture

"HAHA" I laughed as I saw sunoo was also in the photo

"Guys look!" I exclaimed

They all laughed including sunoo himself while Sunghoon and Jake were blushing

"You should post it" riki said looking at me

"I will" I muttered

I wasn't even planning on posting it but riki suggested it so for some reason I wanted to post it all of a sudden

"You can't say no to ni-ki" Ca min ki laughed while walking up to me

"Hi minki" I exclaimed with a smile as I jumped and hugged him

I haven't seen Ca min ki since school had ended

"How was your vacation?" I muttered trying to avoid the topic of talking about riki in front of riki himself and his friends

"Don't change the topic now" Ca min ki laughed as he said hi and hugged sunoo and sunghoon

"Look at this photo I took" I said once again avoiding the topic of talking about riki

Is this love? (Wonki)Where stories live. Discover now