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"HUH?" I yelled

"Why would you think that?" I asked yelling at Jake

"Jungwon will sleep with sunoo then" Jake responded while laying down on the mattress

"No thank you I'm sleeping alone" Sunoo said as he pushes Jungwon near me

"You can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on my couch" I muttered to Jungwon while taking a blanket for me to use

"No it's your bed, you should be able to sleep in it, I'll take the couch" Jungwon replied smiling

"No but-"


"WHY THE HELL ARE THE WALLS SO THIN" Hokama shouts again

The others then start laughing while I am feeling awkward because I'm gonna have to sleep with Jungwon tonight

"Let's sleep together then" I muttered avoiding Jungwon's gaze

"Ok.." jungwon's answered quietly

I then get on my bed and get underneath the covers while jungwon does the same

"Good night Yang"

"Good night riki"



I then wake up from both someone yelling and my alarm clock. I slammed my alarm clock with my left hand and as I was still waking up I felt something heavy on my chest and looked down to see that it was Jungwon on my chest rubbing his eyes.

"Morning" Jungwon whispers while looking up at me with his doe eyes

"Morning" I whispered back while adoring his beauty

"Oooo look at them" Jake says while popping up out of nowhere

"They're in their own world" Sunoo exclaimed while pulling out his phone

"Stop taking photos of us" Jungwon exclaimed while coming off my chest and getting out of my bed

"We'll be down stairs waiting for you two love birds" Jake teased while following after everyone leaving out my bedroom door

"They are such idiots" I say out loud

"You can use the bathroom first" I said looking at Jungwon

"Ok" Jungwon replied while rubbing his eyes once again



"It feels like it took you guys so longggg to get ready" Jake exclaimed while jumping off the couch

"We didn't even take that long your just dramatic" I responded while walking towards the kitchen

"Are you hungry?" I asked jungwon


"Here eat this" I said as I gave him a breakfast bar

"Thank you" Jungwon giggled

"You know, you two look awkward" Sunoo said while walking up to us

Is this love? (Wonki)Where stories live. Discover now