Class starts and new kid!

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Hope's Peak Academy, is the most prestigious school in the world. Holding the most excellent and extraordinary students for each talent possible.

From talent as strange as the ultimate fanfic writer to a world-changing talent such as an ultimate congressman, it carried the future of humanity.

Foolish enough to allow all hope to be gathered in one place. All easy targets, like sitting ducks in a pond of tar, all slowly drowning.

A chuckle echoed through the hallway, heels stomping as the alpha smirked widely. Large hair bounced as she skipped toward her new class. Joy and excitement bubbled in her stomach as she grabs ahold of the door knob ready to welcome her classmates.

Her victims.


The colorful-haired class turned to the door presenting the happy alpha, Junko Enoshima the ultimate fashionista, as she slammed the door wide open.

"No yelling in this class!" a dark hair red eyed beta Kiyotaka Ishimaru the ultimate moral compass screamed back at her.

"Hey dumbass maybe listen to your advice?"

"No foul language in this classroom either Owada!"

"Stop with the screaming already! We have a new student coming in soon, we need to make a good first impression!" the blue hair beta yelled, her eyes starting to water.

"See what you have down Owada! I hope to see you welcome our newest classmate with the biggest smile and-"

"OOOO, do you know if he is a cute omega?" Junko winked with a smile as she walked toward the group.

"Oh Junko where is Ikusaba?" Sayaka Maizono the ultimate pop star, asked looking around the room hoping to spot her lurking in the shadows. Usually, she was always by Junko's side but today she tasked her to gather information about another class.

"You know her with her training and such, so boring, not even allowing herself to come to see the new student hmmph!" Junko huffed, crossing her arms.

"Maybe he is an anime lover! Would be nice to have more of those!" Hifumi Yamada smiled at the thought.

From behind a lurking shadow crept around Hifumi revealing dark large curls and pale skin, Celestia Ludenberg the ultimate gambler, spoke gently," Anyone with such interests must be put to good use as my servant don't you think?"

"Yes, of course, anything for you Miss Ludenberg!"

"Enough with the weird talk and let's all take a seat!" Aoi Asahina exclaimed as she jumped over her desk to sit, "Whoever the new student is should be welcomed regardless of his umm.."

"Lack of talent?" a long figure spoke.

His face was kept looking down, probably reading a book. Glasses reflected the sunlight from the far window, making his eyes disappear from view.

"I wouldn't put it that way! I mean it's a big honor to have been picked by the school-"

"Through a lottery ticket? Please, people, have risked everything to be here," He stood up, his cold blue eyes staring down at Asahina, "You can not compare the life of a talentless commoner to the likes of us."

Byakuya Togami the ultimate affluent progeny, detested the way Asahina spoke about the new student. She as much as anyone else should know to not compare herself to talentless people.

Asahina sighed knowing her friend was a tough nut. Regardless of his cold demeanor towards everyone outside the classroom, he always stood up for them, even for Hifumi who he found useless. Having someone without a talent made him more aggressive knowing how easier they got it to enter such a school after everyone has sacrificed something to enter.

Even the freak in 77-B, who Togami finds very annoying, has gone through sacrifices.

"Calm down Bya, whoever comes through that door can't probably be as bad as that white hair loco," Leon Kowata leaned back on his chair.

Chatter filled the room once again, all going on about their expectations of the new student, till a slight knock was heard from the other side.

"Everyone be seated on your assigned seats!" Ishimaru yelled as he stood up to grab everyone's attention.

"Hey smart guy, maybe open the door for him then?" Mondo Owada replied to the beta.

"I will!" as he walked over and opened the door for him.

His head peaked in with his hazel eyes taking a look around the class. All the eyes stared at him, some with joy, others with boredom, and one shining set of glasses hitting him from across the room.

Walking in, a small brown-haired boy with a strange thick antenna sticking up from his hair presents himself in class.

"Hello," he spoke weakly.

"Welcome to class 78!"

"I'm not sorry for staring at you," (Omega!Togami x Alpha!Naegi)Where stories live. Discover now