Chapter 13~ phil is back.

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As Swiss cuddled you a slight bang came from out in the hall way, Swiss got up to check on the sound to find Phil standing there. Phil took a step back feeling fear as he saw Swiss, "I-..I'll leave.." phil whispered.

Swiss raised an eyebrow at Phil, his grin widening as he tilts his head."Awhh, c'mon~" he teased, "I won't bite~"

The Swiss-Ghoul chuckled, "You can stay and watch us. We'll try to put on a good show for you, that is if you don't mind." Phil looked down, "I thought you hated me..." he whispered.

The Swiss-Ghoul shrugs with a soft chuckle, "Why would I? You're a good band member after all, I don't think anyone can replace ya."

"Besides, the others have their flaws too." he grinned, "The only one that's absolutely flawless is of course... Me."

Phil let out a laugh as he looked up to Swiss, "I thought you hated me after yk.. I killed terzo and stuff.." "Huh, that's a good reason to hate you, yeah," Swiss replied. "That's what you get for killing our precious friend."

He smiled though, "But hey, I forgive you. Just stop killing the others okay? They're actually all pretty cool. So like, chill with the whole, killing thing."

" don't worry I haven't killed anyone in a long long time, and I actually take care of amber and keep her safe when she's at school" Phil smiled softly.  "Awhhh, that's actually sweet of ya." Swiss smiled back, his bright blue lenses gazing at you, "You're a good guy Phil, you just have a bit of a dark side, that's all."

"Thank you Swiss.. for accepting me.. even though you know.." Phil slowly walked over and gave Swiss a awkward hug. Swiss was a bit caught by surprised, but let out a chuckle as he returned Phil's hug. "Of course, Phil"

"I forgive ya completely."

I think I fell in love with a ghoul ~ Ghost band~ Swiss x y/n ( Fem) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora