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Sept 4

"What kinda shoes you like?" Syd asked Matt as they stood in footlocker, Carter had already brought her back a pair of 3's he saw that he liked.

"Y'all both pick out 3 pairs." Syd said, Carter hurried and scattered off while Matt grabbed Syd's hand. He led her to a wall with the kids shoes before looking at all the shoes. "Want something with green?"

He nodded his head and Syd searched the wall for green shoes. She picked up some Oregon 5 and looked down at him. "You like these?" He nodded.

She nodded and watched as an assistant came over. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Yeah, ima pick a few more but I need these in a size 4T." She handed the woman the shoe, she nodded before walking away. Carter came with a pair of cool greys. "Ok, let's sit right here and wait til she comes back."

"Y'all hungry or y'all wanna go do something else?" Syd asked as she finally got the boys and all the bags into the car, after taking them shoe shopping, she went and got them a few clothes from the stores, and Carter wanted new earrings so she got Matt a golden small cross pendant as well.

"I want a Happy Meal." Carter told her, she hummed before starting the car and pulling out of the lot of the mall, heading to the nearest McDonald's which was right down the street.



"What you want?"

"Nuggets and apples."

"You don't want no fries?" She asked him and he shook his head. "You want Hi-C?"


"Chocolate or what?"

"No, I don't like chocolate—."

"—I want milk too, Papa!" Carter told her, she nodded and whipped into the drive thru and pulled up to the speaker. "Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you today?"

"Can I get 2 chicken nugget happy meals, fries and apples, chocolate milk and regular milk." She ordered quickly. "You said 2 happy meals?"

"Yes, chicken nuggets."

"Is that all?"

"Let me get a large Sprite and fry as well."

"Alright, pull up to the first window for your total."

Syd hummed and followed instructions, pulling behind a car that was just pulling off. "Hey..." She glanced up to see an ex fling of hers with a small smile.

"Yo. What's the total?"

"Oh... uh... 14.38$" Syd nodded and reached in the arm rest for a 10$ and 5$, handing it to the girl. "Keep the change." She insisted while waiting for a receipt.

"So you got kids now..?"

"Do I know you?" She took the receipt from the girls hand before pulling away, waiting behind a car to get to the next window. While she waited, she turned up the radio as the sound of No Sucker began playing by Lil Baby.

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