~illness (angst)~

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this chapter will be noticeably darker than the rest, and as such, i will issue a content warning for depictions of death, terminal illness, suffering (both physical and emotional), and general depressing things. if ANY of these affect you, i strongly recommend you read with caution. potentially triggering areas of the story will end and begin with "!!". that being said, i hope you all enjoy!

(Y/N's POV):

I waited in the hospital anxiously, trying my hardest not to shuffle about in my chair too much. The pit in my stomach wouldn't stop growing, and I felt like I was either going to burst or die of a heart attack. It hadn't even been a few minutes, and I was already drenched with sweat.

Something bad had happened to Najimi last night. I don't know the whole story, but I just know that they've been sick for a while, and it's apparently gotten real bad, like, as in there was an ambulance at their house last night. I just hope they're okay...
Please be okay. Please be okay... The words circled around in my head as I only grew more concerned for Najimi's health. How long had they dealt with this? What if it was something else entirely? This situation felt like a horrible, sick dream, and I was praying that I would wake up soon.

After what felt like eons, a doctor walked into the room.
"Y/N L/N?" He asked. I looked towards him. "You may enter now."

Brushing away my anxiety, I made my way to Najimi's ward.

The moment I entered, Najimi's eyes sparkled with hope.
"Y/N... you're here!" They could barely contain the excitement. "I can't believe it! God, this is the best day ever-"
They stopped themselves, their expression darkening.
I looked around the room, and my blood froze in my veins.

The faint beep of a heart monitor echoed through the room, repeating itself tenfold in my head. An IV drip was hooked up to Najimi's arm. Whatever sickness they had, they really didn't look well at all.

I felt a lump in my throat, but quickly resisted against it.
No. I told myself. Najimi will get through this. They'll be fine, right?

"What..." I hesitated. "What... happened, exactly?"
Najimi chuckled, sadness evident in their voice.
"Well... that sickness I had for a while, you know the one, right?"
I nodded. Their face only grew darker, as if the hope had completely drained itself from their soul.
"It's, well... terminal."


"Najimi... what-" My voice stopped itself for a moment. "What do you mean?"
"My body's just... stopped working." Their eyes filled with tears. "They call it CVID."
"But... isn't that curable?" I was beyond confused. "Why is it terminal??"

"I don't know, Y/N..." Najimi was on the verge of tears. "Maybe it's some other sickness... I mean, all I know is that, well..."

They hesitated, then took a deep breath.

"I'm dying."

The moment Najimi said those words, my eyes began to water. I began to cough, in some attempt to stop myself from crying.
I didn't believe anything I was hearing. We'd only started dating a month ago. A month.

Despite my attempts not to break down, it was futile. I collapsed to the floor, sobbing. I hadn't known Najimi for that long, and now they were dying. Najimi started to cry, too.

It was all useless.

Everything was fucking useless.

It could've been anyone, anything, but it had to be Najimi. The first person to show me kindness and love in a long, long time.
Now that was being taken away from me. I couldn't believe it. 

Najimi Osana X Non Binary Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now