{Chapter 2} Replacement

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Third person POV

"Huh?.. where the fuck am I?!.." The Fog Witch looked around and saw a weird red block on the ground. She stared at it for a long time before touching it. "Ew. This thing is an eyesore.." They determined before breaking the block and replacing it with Sculk. "Better." The Fog Witch smiled before walking off to find out where they were.

Shelby's POV

I walked around before finding a jungle? I followed a strange looking stream that led me to a temple of some kind? But I was covered and surrounded by more of that ugly red eyesore of the block. And a whole lot of bright lights. After I'm done replacing all of these red tentacles? With Sculk I'm fixing the light problem.

As I'm cleaning up the hideous red block, a man with no shirt, a red neck piece with a blue jewel, possible ocelot shoulder covers? Sandals? Shorts, dirty blonde hair, red eyes and a red, black, and magenta crown came out from the temple and screamed at me asking what I was doing. I stared at him. "I'm fixing your problem with this hideous block! And the light problem." I say as I replace more of the red block with Sculk.

"Stop removing that! It's a gift from my Boyfriend!" The man yelled. "Well then your boyfriend has bad taste!" I yelled back. The man gasped. He seemed offended? I didn't really care. I set down the last Sculk block. I had to take care of the awful light problem this dude had. I walked over to a lantern a blew out the flame, relighting it with blue flame. I blew out another flame and was about to relight it when he grabbed my wrist.

"Don't you dare!" The man screamed at me. "Or else what?" I stared him down. He looks human, but he is obviously part parrot. He can't do anything to me. I'll kill him if he even thinks of trying. "Well my boyfriend will surely deal with yo-" "blah blah blah, I do not care. I can easily beat up your boyfriend." "Well by your attitude you don't even know who he is." The parrot man sassed. "Yea yea, and who is this "super powerful" boyfriend of yours." I stared at him expectingly. "Xornoth." He spat out. "I don't know who that is. And I don't care." I told him before flying off to go fix the rest of the server. I'll come back to that place later.

Shrub's POV
I was working on My builds when a person landed in my empire. They had dark brown hair. A purple shirt, green overalls, a witches hat? And black boots. But she was covered in some blue substance and her eyes were really creepy.. but she was replacing the corruption with.. Replacing it with... what was she replacing it with?.. I didn't recognize it.. "Hello?" I called out to the strange person as I approached them. They looked at me and responded "Hello?" They sounded exactly like me. "Why do You sound exactly like me?" I asked. They stared at me. "Don't know. Don't care." They continued replacing the corruption with the weird blue stuff.

"Why are you replacing the-" "Because it's an eyesore" the girl quickly responded. I think she's new to the server. I should warn her about Xornoth. "Uhm.. New girl?.. uh you should really watch out for Xornoth. He's really dangerous-" "Not worried. He doesn't scare me." She keeps interrupting me. It's mean, but She probably has some kind of reason. Right?..

"Why did you think the corruption is an Eyesore?." "Well for one it's way too bright. Hurts my eyes." It's weird.. the corruption isn't that bright. "What's the blue stuff?" The girl looked at. "Sculk. He dully responded before continuing to replace the corruption. Once she was done she got on her broom stick and flew off.

Shelby's POV
After fixing up the other empire I headed off. Why did she sound like me? And why did she seem so.. familiar?.. why did that place seem so familiar.. I've been there before.. I swear I've been there before!.. at least I think I have.. I think I see another empire in the distance. It's.. too bright.. Way too bright. It's hurting my eyes.. I can't control my broom! Focus. I need to fix that place! But it is way too bright! I can't see anything at all! I close my eyes and.. then.. I'm back in the evermore?..

where's all the Sculk? Where's the mess I left? I swear I left some dead Witches?.. but it's calm. "Shelby!" I voiced called out. "Kathrine!" I call back. As soon as I see Kathrine I run over to her. And hug her. Embraced in a nice warm hug.. I feel something?.. I can't tell.. I'm not good at emotions anymore.. not after I embraced the Sculk.. I've felt Empty since then.. I let go and look at down.. The Sculk is gone on me too.. all of it..

"What Are You looking for Shelby?" Kathrine asked. "Oh uhm nothing! Everything's all good!" Kathrine smiled a laughed a little. I couldn't help but also laugh. We laughed and laughed until the sun set. Everything was as it should be. Everything was perfect. My Eyes didn't even hurt! No whispers! And I had my Kathrine. My Beloved Kathrine. I love her so much..

I laid down on the cold grass and mud, so did Kathrine. Looking up at the stars. "I dare you to jump into the water!" Kathrine said abruptly. So I stood up, ran, and jumped into the lake I made. When I resurfaced I moved my hair out of my face. Then I look at my hand.. Blood...

Blood was dripping down my face.. in fact most of my body was covered in blood.. I Look up at The Night sky.. The Stars slowly get brighter.. and brighter.. and bigger.. it hurts my eyes.. it hurts my eyes so much.. Why is it so bright?!.. Then I see it... it's still super bright but.. I'm in a hospital bed...

"Oh hey! Your awake!"

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