Final exam pt.3 dark deku (Killy willy) (monster) vs all might!

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Dark deku: *in monster form and smiling creepily at all might* you will die by my claws one way or another *gets in fighting stance*

All might: you monster don't deserve to be here or be alive! *smiling evilly*

Dark deku: you dare to claim yourself as the symbol of peace HA more like the symbol of hate and death you're worst than afo!

All might: nonsense people love me and wouldn't believe a monster like you *doing his all might pose*

Dark deku: I hate fake heroes like you!

With the midnight and aizawa

Aizawa: *running down carrying recovery girl on his shoulder*

Also I'm this au overhaul was killed by deku in the playtime co incident so momo found her alone in an ally way and took her in as her daughter which meant deku was her father and since she never was expiriment on by overhaul she's has better control over her quirk but not complete control just to the point where it won't go wild

Midnight: *running to momo carrying eri  and sees her split in half and puts down eri and falls on her knees* No.....No no no no why...... why you!? Punching the ground*

Eri: *actives her quirk on momo* please mommy stay with me and papa

Aizawa: looking at eri knowing what she's doing ready to activate his quirk*

Momo's body is put back together and looks completely fine

Eri: *falls from exhaustion*

Midnight *catches her* please tell me she's not dead

Momo: *eyes start to move a bit blinks a few times and looks at midnight* mom.....ugh what happened?

Midnight: *hugs her* oh my baby oh my baby your okay *crying hard

Eri: hugs her and is crying hard* mama I thought I lost you

Momo: hugs them both I'm okay you two *remembers deku* wait where's izu!?

Aizawa: actually

All might/deku: throwing punches/slash attacks at each other

Dark Deku: *still slashing at all might*

All might: punches deku in the stomach

Dark deku: *gets hit and sent into a building comes out*

All might H-HOW!?

Dark deku: that's not enough to stop me when you hurt my Mo *smiling*

All might: tch doesn't matter I'll kill you monster

Aizawa: *throws scarf at all might and wraps it around all might*

All might: *in aizawa's scarf* what are you doing aizawa *looks back

Aizawa: stoping you from killing my son b*tch *pissed off*

Pony: claps symbols and musical memory notes come out of the ground in from of all might* he's been through rough shit

Setsuna: and you have the audacity to call yourself the symbol of peace as you try to kill him *in her powered up form and angry*

Endeavor: *punches all might in his head*

All might: *sent into a wall*

Aizawa: *let's go of all might before he got sent flying by endeavor* looks at setsuna and pony* you guys help momo look after deku

Deku: *transforms back to his human form and is laying on the ground is unconscious*

Momo: izu! *Kneeing down next to him*

Setsuna and pony: izuku!

Recovery girl: *walks over* move over I know you guys are worried

Setsuna,pony and momo: *moves over*

Recovery girl: actives her quirk and stops and checks up on deku* he'll be okay he's just exhausted from all that rampaging

That's the end of this chapter I hope you all enjoyed I know this was short but I intend it to be that way

I hope you all have yourselves a dang good one have a good day/night and keep that aura flaring and fired up

Aura out bye peace ✌️

Huggy wuggy deku x mommy long legs momo Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora