Hobie Brown - Miscommunication - Angst

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"You miss me yet?" Hobie asks, glancing back at you. His smile is slow, like he knows the answer but wants to hear it from you anyway. "Whenever you want me back, you can have me."

He already apologized-three times-for missing another date. You *know* he's busy. Dismantling systems of oppression doesn't give him a lot of free time. He spends whatever time he can with you, obviously. Even if he doesn't like labels-you and him are together. It doesn't matter that you're a little mad at him.

You ignored him, putting your head down on the table.

"You want to be all mopey? Go ahead," Hobie tells you, but not as angry as you might expect. "I get it-we're fighting and the day isn't going how you thought it would. But don't pretend you don't miss me." *This* time, he glances back at you and you get a better look at the smirk on his face. You know, just to tease you.

"I know you have stuff to do all the time, busy every second, but..You dont know what your doing to me is killing me.." You looked away from him.

"Is that so?" He asks, a bit of smugness in his tone. After a few seconds of pause, he leans in closer.

Am I really hurting you that bad?" he whispers, teasing you some more since he enjoys your reactions.

"If your gonna have a fucking girlfriend atleast make time for her. Commit to it. Your driving me crazy dude!" You got up from your seat. "Dont text me, call me, or contact me until you get yourself together."

He watches you walk away, but after a second, he follows.

"Hey, Y/N," Hobie starts as he catches up with you. "How many times have I made it clear to you that *we are not boyfriend and girlfriend*?" he says, the emphasis on his voice just a little too harsh for his liking. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck with one hand.

"Why do you keep holding me to that standard?"

You stopped walking. Feeling in distraught. "So it was nothing? We had nothing?" You didnt turn around.

He sighs heavily, taking a couple steps closer to you. In the short span of time you spent together, he's noticed how many defenses your sharp tongue hides.

"It was something. But it wasn't a relationship." Hobie doesn't back away from you as he speaks. "We both enjoy each other's company-I'd be stupid to deny that. But I can't be serious with you." He pauses. "You know why."

"So you bringing me flowers in the middle of the night whilst it was raining wasnt us being in a relationship, we were just platonic besties?" You finally turned around.

He stares at you for a few seconds. You know enough about him to understand that he's not really capable of this kind of vulnerability. After thinking it over, he takes your hands and looks you in the eyes.

"I know you hate labels," he says, lowering his voice, but not trying to hide what he feels. "But yes, we're close-maybe even as close as I'm ever going to get to anyone else. It's something that I can't say doesn't exist. I just... can't have an official relationship with you."

You pull away. "Fuck off.." It starts to rain. "I- I- I hate you..You made me fall for you and you lead me on.." You looked at the male. "Are you happy now? Good job..You know how much ive been through and you betrayed me...You were the only one I opened up too.."

"Wait, Y/N," he says, almost whispering. The moment he tries to take your hand again, you pull away and he doesn't try a second time. This is a line he's never actually had to cross before.

"I know what you've been through. I just..." He looks frustrated with himself, and a little scared. "You don't understand. I can't be that person. I can't be anyone's boyfriend."

"And you never will be.." You turned around and began to walk away...For the final time.

A/N: Hi. This is a long story, i hope you enjoyed!

Words: 713 words

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