Chapter 2 - Camp Nou

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"JADE HURRY HE IS HERE" I hear Leah scream as I walk down the stairs with a loud click clack from my new black heals I am trying to break in.

"sorry, its not my fault these YSL heals take for ever to walk in" I state as I watch Leah take out her sunglasses from her Marc Jacob's purse and put them on top of her head.

As Leah holds the elevator door open for me and I swiftly walk in, I feel a sharp slap on my butt.

"oww what the hell was that for" I uttered while crossing my arms, leaning against the elevators railing

"sorry but those jeans just make your ass pop" she giggles while throwing her arms up in defense

Once we hear the the elevator ding, signaling us to exit, we walk out and our automatically met with Mark the security guard.

He signals us a slight nod and gives us a nice smile showing us his pearly whites and Leah and I wave back, returning the gesture, while opening the doors to exit our building

I watch as Leah walks to an Audi Q9, waving to her father. With him slowly getting out of the car giving her a hug.

"well if it isn't the very famous Jade Cruz" he says with a bright smile, signaling a hug with his arms wide open

Leah's dad and I have always been super close. Both our families were inseparable, from spending thanksgiving together to going to each others birthday parties, until of course him and his wife divorced. I have always seen him as a second father and I pretty certain I'm In his will.

"long time no see Carlos" I say breaking up the hug, smiling so wide my cheeks touch my lower lashes, while opening the car door

"Ladies who's ready for lunch. I have the most perfect place I know you guys will love. I take only my most special clients there, which means you guys are pretty lucky" he exclaims while putting his arm on the back of Leah's seat, ready to back the car out of the lot. Until suddenly we hear a ringer go off.

Carlos put the car back in park and moved his hand, taking his phone out of his pocket, and swiping on the answer button.

He looks at us with pleading eyes and mouths the words "Sorry" before answering in Spanish and opening the car door and walking out


The phone call only lasted about two minutes, until he came back in.

"Sorry bout that guys, that was the big boss man" He says while putting his hands on the wheel getting ready to take off

"What did he need this time" Leah said while looking back at me rolling her eyes, signally her annoyance with the phone call interruption

"Yeah, about that" Leah's dad says sitting up and straightening his tie, its one hand still on the wheel. "We need to go to Camp Nou real quick because its seams one of the players just landed on their foot wrong and I need to check it out real quick" he clears his throat while driving out of the lot "he probably just needs a massage or two and I promise we will go right back to our lunch plans." he pleads "boys are so dramatic aren't they" he says, expecting a giggle to come out the two of us

"What the hell is a "Camp Nou." I say while furrowing my brows in confusion, leading Leah and Carlos to look at each other and giggle

Don't get me wrong I know Carlos works for Barcelona and all that but I don't get what the team is doing at some camp

"Oh Jesus Christ Jade" Carlos says while smacking his head "how the hell are you going to come to the city of Barcelona and not know the famous "Camp Nou" as in the Barcelona soccer teams stadium" he says while smiling trying to hold in a laugh

"It was an impulsive move to come here alright don't yell at me" I say "I just missed my bestie and needed a good camera man" I state, making the whole car burst out in laughter

"Whatever, this is not the time to be laughing" Leah claims while crossing her arms "I don't want to go to Camp Nou, that place is so boring." she says while turning back to me "the only thing to do is sit in my dads locked office and play games on the computer" she pouts

"Yea, maybe cause the last time I let you free, you and Ferran spilt a whole ass jug of Gatorade on the bench, ruining everyones stuff!" Leahs dad says while pulling up to Camps Nou gate and getting his id scanned.


Once he pulls into to a parking spot with his name "Carlos Santos" in big letters, he gets out of the car and tells us to stay put.

"I will only be gone for like 10 minutes max I promise" he says while running into the big building

Around 15 minutes had gone by and let me just tell you, that man was not coming back any time soon and it was starting to become a sauna in the car. And don't get me wrong, I love Rosalia and everything but her music coming from the stereo was not going to get me through this torture.

"roll down your window" Leah says while looking in the compact mirror and applying lip gloss

"oh honey no way" I responded in annoyance "its going to get even hotter then it is already" I protest

"fine" she replies with a chuckle

I watch as Leah opens her door and walks out making the car start going feral with beeps.

"what the hell are you doing dumby" I say with a stern tone covering my ears

"roll down the window" she screams trying to be heard over the loud noise

I was confused why she wanted me to roll down the window until I tried to open the door and realized there was a child lock on it. Which meant I had to get out of the car by going through the window, with my long ass HEALS

As I roll down the window, Leah holds out her hand signaling me to grab it an hop out. Surprisingly, it didn't go that bad and I didn't fall over. Plus the beeping had finally stopped

I watch as Leah cackles once I'm out

"HUH what's so funny" I say putting my hands on my knees from being out of breath

"Nothing" she says with a big smile, the laughing coming to a halt "its just you could of climbed to the front and used my door" she says

"You bitch" I say while hitting the back of her head, making her burst out in laughter once agin

"I'm sorry its just I wanted to see you struggle in those heels" she spoked in a mocking tone "it was just so hot in the that car, my seat with dripping with my ass sweat" she laughed

"Leah your dad is gonna kill us for leaving the car" I whisper

"Oh My God chill its fine, its off season we cant get in that much trouble since their aint nothing important going on" she says while approaching the camp

"Come on J" she announced while grabbing my hand "let me show you around the one and only Camp Nou"

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