Chapter 9

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Crystal stared up at the place that had been her prison for most of her life. Soon she would be confronting her jailors, Petunia and Vernon Dursley. Thankfully, Crystal wasn't alone. She had Grinlast and several goblin guards with her. She also had Dudley on her side, the Dursleys would never hurt her again, at least not without getting in trouble, that is.

She glanced at the goblins next to her. They were using magic to disguise themselves as humans until they got inside the house. This way they wouldn't break the Statue of Secrecy by walking around in front of muggles. Grinlast looked over when feeling her eyes on him and gave Crystal a nod to calm her nerves.

Grinlast's disguise had dark brown hair that was slicked back. He had brown eyes and some light brown skin. The guise wore a black suit, flats, and a pale green tie.

There were two more goblins with her, along with a human. Grinlast had said the human was being brought along to check the wards around the property while she and the three goblins were busy inside with the Dursleys.

Kraggit's disguise had brown hair with streaks of grey in it. His face had a few wrinkles and frown lines added to show age. His eyes were a deep brown, almost looking black in the proper lighting. Like Grinlast he was wearing a suit and tie. His suit was brown instead of black and his tie was a deep maroon color instead of pale green.

Boggus's disguise looked younger than the other two's. He had sandy blond hair and light hazel eyes with freckles speckled over his nose and cheeks. His suit was different too, the suit he chose was bright pink and he even got a hat to match. He was wearing a baby blue bowtie and had a purple flower in one of his upper pockets.

Crystal thought that she and Boggus would get along spinningly, she couldn't wait until her Aunt got a look at him in his human disguise.

The human the three goblins brought was named Edan Lyre, he had black wavy hair and silvery eyes. His clothes were different from the suits the three men were wearing in the fact that his were everyday wear. Crystal noticed that the clothes looked close enough to move around in but not enough to get in the way if Edan needed to fight or run.

Crystal steeled herself and walked into the house, she could already see Uncle Vernon's face turning bright red in his anger. He was sitting in front of the TV and didn't seem to realize there were three important-looking 'men' behind her.

"Girl, where have you been? You haven't finished any of your chores and my poor Pet has had to get her hands dirty doing them instead!"

Crystal just glared at him, "I was busy, and she had better get used to getting her hands dirty because from now on I'm not going to be doing anything for you ever again."

Vernon huffed himself to his feet and, his face started turning purple, "How dare you! After everything we've done for you, you treat us like this. We took you in, fed you, clothed you, educated you, and put a roof over your head!"

Okay, enough was enough. Crystal was going to tell him what she truly thought of him. She noticed her Aunt walking in, and unlike her Uncle, she noticed the three important-looking men behind her. Her lips did thin when seeing the bright pink suit Boggus was wearing.

"You've done nothing but give me the basic things required of you and even then you withheld food from me several times! Feeding me? You only let me eat scraps that was leftover whenever you finished dinner despite the fact that I cooked all your food."

Uncle Vernon took a step forward looking like he was going to hit her, Kraggit stepped between Crystal and him. Uncle Vernon suddenly noticed the three men and his face turned from a dark purple color into a pale peach instead.

Crystal the Half-Ghost WitchWhere stories live. Discover now