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The lands of the Starry Skies were filled with happiness, peace, and joy. But, it's not always that way.

It was surprisingly quiet, with not a single sound able to break the eerie silence.

There was a pond near the center of their territory. It is used to observe those still within the living world, and watch over them. Two cats were sitting near the pond, one with thick, gray fur, and the other with shimmering, white fur.

"Do you think this was a good idea?" the white cat finally spoke.

"It's the only way. They have to realize the direness of his birth." the gray cat said dreadfully.

They were gazing at two fairly young cats, a tom and a she-cat, looking at their newborn son with dismay and disgust.

"And how exactly will they? You know blind cats are seen as a curse."

"I know. I just..." the gray cat trailed away, unsure how to respond.

"I understand. The prophecy's has been haunting you, hasn't it?"

The gray cat sighed. "It has. We don't have much time left. If our plan fails, the Starry Skies will be covered in darkness, leaving the cats lost without our guidance. "

"Then again, The Starry Skies can't live without The Dark Storm. Everything here is no more than a reflection of it, and as The Dark Storm vanishes, so will us."

"They're threatening to destroy our territory! Surely we can't let that happen! The living cats will be no more then wandering souls by then."

"Isn't this too risky though? What if he doesn't survive? What if his parents were blind enough to throw him away, not knowing the consequences of their actions? We'd all be screwed then."

"We'll just have to hope. Hope that he's strong enough to push through the shadows of his destined life."

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