Episode 1: The Outbreak

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Hello everybody, my name is Raymond, and welcome to The Owl House: The Last Of Us, made by the same guy who made Disney X Remedy: Crossing Realities. Now there have been several different fanarts and fanfictions of The Owl House in The Last Of Us universe already, with a some with Stan and Luz, and others with Eda and Luz. There's The Last Of Owls made by RafaHR17 on DeviantArt, there's on Reddit, the one with Stan and Luz that I mentioned is made by AvasArts on DeviantArt, there's even a fanfiction on Archive Of Our Own called Stay Alive where we see Luz and Eda. However, I decided that instead of having any of those, I decided to switch things up. For this, I will have Camila play the role as Joel, and have Vee play the role as Ellie. So that way, mine would stand out from the others. At the same time, I will also be combining elements from both The Owl House and The Last Of Us. As always, The Owl House is owned by Disney, and The Last Of Us is owned by both Sony and Naughty Dog. Enjoy.

This chapter contains blood, injury, and a death scene that is heartbreaking.

The sun shone brightly over the small town as Camila Noceda, a young woman in her mid-20s, spent a peaceful afternoon with her 4-year-old daughter, Luz. They sat together in a cozy corner of their home, surrounded by books and toys. Camila held a book in her hands, a story about The Good Witch Azura, a beloved character that brought a smile to Luz's face.

Camila's voice filled the room as she animatedly read the book to her daughter. Luz's eyes sparkled with wonder, captivated by her mother's storytelling. "Once upon a time, in a mystical land far, far away, there lived a wise and kind-hearted witch named Azura. She had long, flowing hair as bright as the sun and eyes that sparkled like stars. Azura possessed powerful magic, but she used it for the good of others, spreading love and joy wherever she went." Each page turned was a new adventure, transporting them to a world of magic and enchantment. Camila's heart swelled with joy as she watched Luz giggle and engage with the tale.

Luz, with wide eyes, asked her mother a question saying "Wow, Mama! She sounds amazing! Can I be a witch like her?". Camila replied with her answer with a smile on her face "Of course, my little star! You can be anything you want to be. Just remember, true magic comes from within, from the kindness and love we show to others."

They continued their journey through the pages, Camila's voice filled with warmth and affection. The story unfolded, taking them to enchanted forests, sparkling waterfalls, and encounters with mystical creatures. Camila infused each character with life, painting vivid images in Luz's imagination. "I want to be a good witch like Azura and help people!" Luz said with joy to pursue her dream. "I have no doubt that you will, my darling. You have a heart full of love and a spirit that shines brighter than any magic. Now, let's see what adventures await Azura." Camila told her while brushing Luz's hair behind her ear.

As the story came to a close, Camila closed the book gently, her fingers tracing the faded cover. She marveled at the memories they had created, cherishing these precious moments with her daughter. Luz them remembered something and told Camila "Oh, mami, I made something for you. I made this at the daycare." Luz's small hands reached into her pocket, retrieving something special she had made at daycare.

With a mischievous grin, Luz handed her mother a delicate, handmade watch. It was crafted from colorful beads and intertwined with strings of vibrant thread. The watch, though imperfect, held a beauty that only a child's creation could possess. Camila's eyes welled up with tears of love and pride as she accepted the heartfelt gift.

"Thank you, my little artist," Camila whispered, pulling Luz into a warm embrace. "I will treasure this forever."

Luz beamed, snuggling closer to her mother's comforting presence. The room filled with their laughter and love, momentarily shielding them from the troubles of the outside world. Little did they know that a storm was brewing, threatening to shatter their idyllic existence.

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