Chapter 3

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Hi again just to let you know that the name for miles 42 is not the best i know but it was the only thing I could think of if you have any other names please let me know.


Miles ran at Morales and threw a punch at his face which he easily ducked under and tackled Miles to the ground. Morales tried to go for Miles head but Miles moved his head to the side and kneed his Morales ribs making him fall over and off of Miles. Miles stood up and rubbed his back.

"Do you always have to tackle me onto the rock hard ground?" Miles groaned.

"Do you always have to knee me in the ribs in the same place everyday?" Morales questioned.

Miles smirked "Touche"

Morales rushed at Miles as Miles got into a fighting stance. Morales ducked under Miles punch and punched him in the stomach sending him flying towards the other end of the roof.

"What the? There is no way you can punch that hard normally." Miles questioned.

Morales laughed "Probably cause I have my mechanized fist on."

Miles raised an eyebrow "So that means I can use my web shooters right?"

Morales sighed realizing his mistake "Yeah you can"

"Sweet" Miles celebrated.

Miles fired a web at the wall behind Morales and he shot towards it. Morales swung at him when he flew by but to no avail. Miles landed on the wall and bounced off it using all his strength with a venom punch send Morales rolling backwards. Miles fired two webs on either side of Morales and shot back towards him and kicked him onto the floor. Morales rolled and flipped backwards only coming to a halt at the edge of the building.
He stood on one knee panting heavily. Morales stood up and wiped the blood from his nose.
"Miles,I yield" Morales shouted.
"Wait really? That means I won. Finally I won."Miles excitedly said.
"Yes Miles you won"Morales breathed as he walked over.
Miles noticed his slight limp and rushed over to help "Sorry Morales I genuine didn't mean to do my venom punch that hard I just got caught up in the moment and I just really wanted to wi-"
"Miles,it's fine. It means your strong, very strong"Morales said.
Miles eyes widened "So does that mean?"
Morales smiled "Yes Miles,you are ready"
"Yes finally"Miles said smiling " What's our plan"
"I'll tell you inside"Morales said as he opened the door from the roof and went inside.
"So what's the plan Morales" Miles asked.
"Well I was thinking if instead of going to the Spot straight away we got to the Spider society first and take them down because that would lure Miguel back to the base instead of staying on your earth."Morales explained "And if we take down the Spider society then we can defeat the spot without any problems"
Miles nodded "That is a good plan but we'll both need one of those watch things to even go to the Spider society"
"Have you got any ideas"Morales asked.
"I have one but it would mean me lying to Gwen"Miles said as his head dropped and his eyes dulled.
"And?"Mile sternly said "She lied to you, betrayed you and didn't tell you that your Dad was gonna die"
Miles head came back up and his eyes had a new found determination "Your right, she deserves it"
Morales smiled " So what's your plan"
"So on the watch you can text people and call people. If we text Gwen and tell her to meet us on top of the Empire State Building in this universe. When she comes you'll hide when she's distracted you'll come out and get her watch."Miles explained.
"Okay but we have to be careful though as your British mate has most likely told them that there's two of us now"Morales told Miles
Miles nodded. Miles bought the watch upwards and texted Gwen.
"And send. That should do it let's get into place"Miles said and the two Morales left the building.
" Gwen,will you stop pacing around I can't think."Peter complained.
"Sorry,I'm just co fused on why Miles attacked me" Gwen said.
"It probably has something to do with the fact you lied to him"Noir deadpanned.
"We tried talking to him he attacked us maybe where just going to have to consider the fact that he's gone rog-"Peter tried to say but a web was fired across his mouth.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence"Gwen shouted.
Peter raised his hands up in defence then ripped the web off of his mouth " Listen Gwen it's just a possibility you saw his new friend.He's teamed up with a prowler and nottjust any Prowler but another Miles Morales."
Gwen's watch went off saying that she's got a message. Gwen's eyes widened when she read the text which did t go unnoticed by the team.
"Gwen,what did it say"Hobie asked slowly.
"Yeah tell us Gwen"Pav said.
Gwen took a deep breath "It says :Hey Gwen it's Miles meet me at the top of the Empire State Building in Earth 42.We need to talk bring Peter."
"It's a trap"Hobie said.
"Definitely a trap"Noir agreed.
"But we can't just ignore it"Gwen and Peter said.
"Fine, but I'm going with Gwen and Peter go talk to Miles and I'm back up besides I want a rematch on that Prowler"Hobie said.
"That's fine" Peter said
"Yeah it's...fine"Gwen hesitantly agreed.
Hobie opened up a portal with his new watch "You guys stay here in case the Spot comes looking for Miles"Peter ordered the others and they nodded.
The three walked through the portal.
"Are you sure they'll even come"Morales said.
"Yes I'm sure"Miles confidently answered.Now hide behind the building."
Soon enough Gwen and Peter swung onto the top of the building.
"Miles"Gwen shouted
"I'm here"A voice from above came.
Peter and Gwen looked up and saw Miles fully decked out in his Spider-Man costume. The first thing they noticed was Miles had a better physique.His biceps where bigger and his chest had puffed out more.
He landed 20 feet away from.
"Why'd you do it."Miles calmly asked.
"Miles" Gwen started "I'm so sorry for leaving you in the dark about your Dad.I'm sorry for not coming to visit you all I ask for now is for your forgiveness" .
"Your apologies are empty and full of lies"Miles said his eyes dulling more and more.
"Miles"Gwen started her eyes brimming with tears that's not true"
Peter held his arm out in front of her telling her to stop.
"I was right I used to see that face on the villains I defeated in my earth.Miles Morales has gone rogue"Peter said through gritted teeth.
"Villain"Mike rasped out tears threatening to fall down his face "This is your fault Peter"his sadness and tears turning to anger "And yours Gwen. Out of everyone I thought you'd be proud of me Peter.Well I finally found someone who accepts me.Sorry to do this.NOW MORALES."
Gwen and Peters Spider sense went haywire as the Prowler came behind them. As that distracted them Miles had already started running towards Gwen and Peter. Hobie came flying through the air and tackled The Prowler out of the sky.
"Round 2"The Prowler growled.
"Round 2" Hobie smirked.
Miles charged at Peter and Gwen and got into a fighting stance.
"Miles we don't want to fight" Gwen said as she dived out of the way of a venom strike.
"Too bad I do" Miles growled as he threw a venom strike at Peter which landed on his stomach sending him flying back into the wall of the building cracking making him slump to the ground.
Miles got punched in the jaw by Gwen but Miles reacted quickly and and attached a web to her shoulders and jumped over her and slammed her into the ground. Miles bent down to get her watch but Peter jumped on his back and stopped him.
"I know what your trying to do Miles and I won't let you"Peter said.
"I'm not asking you to let me" Miles shouted and slammed Peter into a wall.Miles turned around and venom punched him straight in the face sending him flying towards the edge of the building.
Miles went back over to Gwen and took her watch.
"No"Peter rasped out.
Morales had Hobie in a headlock.Both men where covered in blood some of there own some of the other persons.
"Call it a draw" Morales asked
"Never"Hobie spat out.
"Morales"Miles shouted " Peter and Gwen are out we can go now"
"Guess it is a draw"Morales said as he pushed Hobie away and went after Miles.
Hobie ran towards Gwen and Peter who where just getting up.
"Miles he stole Gwens watch we need to leave now" Peter managed out as Gwen started glitching.
Hobie opened a portal and the three of them stepped through helping Gwen through.
Soon they where back at the house.
"Oh my Chai what happened to you"Pav said concerned.
"It was a trap" Hobie said.
"Told you so" Noir said fiddling with a rubix cube.
"Gwen needs a new watch and I think I know what the two Miles plan is." Peter said "Everyone gather round"
"What is it"Hobie asked
"I think Miles and Miles figured out that the Spot won't kill anyone until Miles is there so there taking there time.Why else would they need another watch when they already stole one from Hobie and they could just swap if they in the prowlers universe and Miles universe so there going to a universe where they'll both need one which I fear could be the Spider society." Peter explained.
"Then what do you suggest we do" Noir asked.
"I know that at the minute we aren't on the same side as Miguel but we need to notify him immediately as Miles and the Prowler could be planing a takeover of the Spider society"
Everyone nodded. And they got to work immediately.

Another chapter band finally we had some more Gwen action. This is my longest chapter so far.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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