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—————DIANA WOODS is an innocent girl with a normal life living in Woodsboro, California. She is an naive girl who believed almost anyone. Diana is kind and forgiving. She always tries to find the good in people.

Diana has a small circle of friends which consists of 6 people including her. There's Sidney, Tatum, Randy, Stu and Billy.

But just recently, after summer-break, Diana started getting letters from a stranger. There wouldn't be any name mentioned of the sender. Just letters expressing their love for her.

It went on for about two-three days. She found it amusing and funny at first. Diana dismissed it and didn't give it much attention because she assumed someone was playing a practical joke on her. But the letters just kept arriving as time passed. She started to feel uneasy.

Tatum, Sidney and Randy, two of her best friends and her boyfriend soothed her and advised her to disregard the letters, which she did, but it only made matters worse. Teddy bears and flowers began to arrive at her home from the sender!

She was advised to "take it easy" by Stu and Billy. Billy hardly ever spoke to her, and Stu was never serious.

Due to their business, Diana's parents were frequently away from home, leaving her alone at home for most of the day.

She had to be vigilant at all times. As a result, Diana began to struggle with trust. Before going to bed or leaving the house, she always made sure the locks on the windows and doors were tight.

She was troubled by whoever her "secret admirer" was. Diana was confident that they were aware of her home address, her friends, and her high school. Her constant paranoia stemmed from the assumption that she was being watched.

Since she didn't want to stay alone at home knowing that someone might be observing her, she spent the majority of her time at Tatum and Sidney's house.


[A/N]: Hey lovelies (: if you liked the prologue then please vote and comment your thoughts on it! I love reading comments so pleaseeeeeee don't hesitate to write it. I'm not a very good writer, but I'll try my level best to give you guys quality and quantities content :3
—xoxo D 💋

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