Beethoven x Elise, part one.

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jade if you read this I'm so sorry please turn around now


The day had been rather bright. With only a few clouds in the sky, Elise and Ludwig found themselves at an outdoor dinner party. Her dress fell to the grass, barely stroking it as she walked. Ludwig, in his black and white suit, followed aimlessly behind her. And although her ass looked voluptuous in her dress, her breasts were another story.

Throughout the day, he noticed Elise dropping hints to him. Occasionally, when she'd laugh to hard with others, she'd bend in a way that ever so slightly lifted up her dress to reveal her perfect, bony ankles. When she'd walk, she'd let herself bounce, giving Ludwig the perfect view, and a horrible problem downstairs.

Elise would find ways to keep conversations stimulating for long, being sure to make Ludwig wait for a painfully long time. Towards the evening, as the sun was almost finished setting, Elise found herself alone. She'd spent the entire day talking to everyone she could, until she'd spoken all her words to everyone.

Ludwig crept up behind her, placing his hands on her waste and pressing her back against his body. "I want to go home, Elise."

Elise turned to face Ludwig, pressing her chest against his torso, a wide grin spreading across her face. Ludwig looked her up and down, taking note of the half empty glass of champagne in her grip.

He bent down slightly, getting close to her face, keeping his eyes on her. Although Elise wanted to maintain a confidence posture, she couldn't deny the feelings that fluttered through her. While her and Ludwig had never been intimate together, there was definitely sexual tension in the air.

She let herself get lost in the feeling, absorbing his presence and appreciating how close he got to her. It wasn't until the champagne was spilt all over her chest, dripping into her cleavage, did she notice that Ludwig had taken the glass and poured it onto her.

"Such a messy girl," he mumbled, bending further down until his lips hovered over her chest. "I bet you'd love to let everyone watch me lick this off your chest, wouldn't you?"

"Ludwig," Elise hissed, pushing his head up. "What in Chopin's name do you think you're doing?"

"Is it not fair I tease you back a bit?" Ludwig smirked, gripping her waist. "Don't act like you don't know what you were doing, showing off yourself in that pretty dress of yours."

"I..." she struggled to find a response. "I don't know what you're talking about, Ludwig."

She pulled away from his grip, walking off with a frown. Although it worked catching his attention, she was disappointed that she hadn't been able to fluster him. How had he done that so easily?

This was territory the two hadn't crossed yet. They'd shared a few kisses after lessons, but it had never gone any further. Something had always interrupted them, leaving them far more antsy than they started being.

She had only been his student for a few months, but it felt like they'd known each other for an entire life time. The spark was instantly there, and it was undeniable. But the one thing that wasn't there was timing.

But Ludwig had waited long enough. Tonight would be the night he would finally pursue his precious Elise.

He spent weeks trying to articulate perfect scenarios that would lead to the two spending a night together. One where another student wouldn't be interrupting the two to start their lesson, or Elise wouldn't have a work shift to attend to. And tonight was an event neither could pass up.

A dinner party, hosted by Mozart himself. Ludwig had been given permission to invite a plus one, and he knew it would be none other than his precious Elise. He knew that Elise wouldn't be able to pass up on an opportunity to get dolled up, or to drink wine and eat delicious food.

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