22- The ball anouncement

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~Adriana's POV~

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard competition since its inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests-" If you all are wondering what the hell is happening please give me a chance to explain.

So we are sitting and by we I mean the Gryffindor students who are above third year and listening about an upcoming event in Hogwarts which is apparently a ball, called The Yule Ball, and by the information we have been provided I can tell clearly that we will have to dance which is not an issue for me as I am an average freestyle dancer.

Suddenly everyone started whispering to themselves, breaking my trance as I looked around, unable to tell what was happening.

"Why are they all whispering?" I asked Hermione who was sitting next to me just like a straight statue with her back and chin high. Seriously she can easily be a model with her charm and height and not to mention the beauty that is dripping from her face.

"She just told us that the Yule Ball will be happening in the great hall and it's a dance, seriously Adriana, pay attention" She hissed back and I just looked back at her blankly for at least five seconds before replying.

"Yes Mam" Someone woke at the wrong side of the bed today morning I guess.

"Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a simple evening besmirching the name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons" She said and I nearly choked on my saliva after hearing that tongue twister from Professor MCGonagal's mouth.

"Now to dance is to let the body breath, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst fourth and flight" What the hell is she trying to say?

"What is she trying to say?" I whispered and Hermione shushed me and I blinked rapidly whispered sorry to her.

Professor started to walk forward and towards the boys where Ron and Seamus were whispering and Harry was sitting with a very serious look. Maybe the boy-who-lived wants to dance afterall.

"Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley will you join me" Professor said and pulled Ron from his seat who had a shocked and nervous expression plastered over his face.

I couldn't help but snicker at his odd reaction while Professor MCGonagal came in the middle of the hall with Ron by his side and stood infront of him.

"Now, Place your right hand on my waist" She said and my eyes widened and if I was saying that Ron was shocked before then this was absolutely horrifying for him as he stuttered making me laugh silently.


"My waist, Mr. Weasley" She said and took his hand placing it on her waist and before I could stop myself I whistle loudly and at the same time Fred and George hooted which made almost everyone laugh.

My eyes met Harry's and the laugh that I was trying to control for so long slipped out of my mouth and I fisted my hands and placed it over my mouth to stop myself from laughing just like Harry did.

"Now bend you arm and..... Mr. Flinch" Professor said and Flinch started to play some music.

"One two three, One two three" Ron and MCGonagal started to dance and the mere look on Ron's face made my day.

The lion must surely be purring now!! I laughed again but eventually had to shush myself before I landed in detention.

The music stopped suddenly and Professor let Ron go who instantly fell on his seat besides a laughing Harry.

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