Teardrops of the Celestial Symphony

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But alas, the dance of love takes a tragic turn,
As the moon wanes, and the sun begins to burn,
The raindrops turn bitter, bringing tears of pain,
And the stars, once shining, now fade into disdain.

The moon, once a beacon of love's gentle glow,
Now hides in shadow, as its light starts to go,
No longer reflecting the warmth of the sun,
It hangs in the sky, a melancholic undone.

The sun, once a source of love's radiant heat,
Now scalds and scorches, burning love's sweet retreat,
Its rays become harsh, casting shadows of doubt,
Leaving love to wither, like flowers without a sprout.

The rain, once a healer, now becomes a storm,
Floods of sorrow pouring, with no chance to transform,
Each drop a reminder of love's shattered dreams,
Drowning hearts in sorrow, tearing at the seams.

And the stars, once witnesses to love's sacred flame,
Now become distant, unfeeling, devoid of any aim,
Their twinkling laughter now replaced with dark cries,
As love loses its way, and hope slowly dies.

In this desolate realm, where love loses its charm,
The moon, sun, rain, and stars all sound the alarm,
But their cries go unheard, as hearts turn to stone,
Love becomes a memory, a happiness unknown.

The moon hangs in silence, a ghostly specter,
Its pale face reflecting the pain of a love sector,
And the sun blazes on, an eternal tormentor,
Leaving ashes of love, a forsaken center.

The rain falls incessantly, a never-ending storm,
Washing away all traces of love's once vibrant form,
And the stars, mere echoes of their former glory,
Witnessing a tragedy, a heart-wrenching story.

For love, once celestial, now fades into gloom,
Leaving behind an emptiness, an everlasting doom,
And as these words stretch on, a thousand words deep,
The sadness of love, in infinite sorrow, we steep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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