imh p.2

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Finney's eyes fluttered open, His eyes wandered trying to get adjusted to red beam of the lava lamp Finney had on his nightstand.

Finney sat up on his bed and let his eyes wander for a bit. He then looked next to him and saw his phone sitting on his nightstand. He took it off of the stand and into his hands then looked at the time, It was 7:18 meaning he had been asleep for around 4 hours.

Finney unlocked his phone and opened a group chat he was in along with his 2 very best friends Bruce and Billy, He texted them and told them to come over and they answered instantly with a yes.

Finney slightly smiled to himself and shut his phone off. He gets off of his bed with a sigh and makes his way to the bathroom.

Finney's face was tear stained and wet. He quickly doused his face in water and then dried it with a small towel.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and baggy flannel pants he vividly remembers taking a shower while Vance was asleep earlier this morning so he didn't have to worry about that.

The doorbell rang meaning that Bruce and Billy were here, Finney looked at himself once again and then rushed out of his room and down the stairs to the front door.

He opens it and is greeted with the faces of Bruce and Griffin. "Get in." Finney said and Bruce and Billy both shared a look of confusion, "Wait, What happened?" Bruce asked. "I'll tell u when we get to my room." Finney responded then made his way upstairs with the other two following behind him.

"So?" Billy asked once they enter Finney's room. " Uh- Me and Vance had a sort of big fight and we broke up." Finney responded as fast as he could but the reality of what happened still washed over him.

They all looked at each other for a moment before enduring Finney in a giant polar bear hug.

Finney started crying and then those cries turned into heavy sobs, The other 2 comforted there friend as he cried his heart out onto there shoulders.

After Finney's crying session ended they ordered food and watched a ton on movies and shows and Finney was finally starting to feel better about the situation that happened just a few hours ago.

It was now midnight, around 2 in the morning. The trio were in the middle of watching Euphoria when they heard a phone ringing. Finney looked down at his phone to see that Vance was calling him. 'What would Vance want this late in the night?' He thought to himself.

Just as Finney's day was getting better he just had to interrupt it.

"It's Vance, Should I answer it ?" , "Let's see what he has to say." Bruce responded with a bit of sass in his voice. Finney answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Open the door." Vance asked sternly. "Why should I?" Finney answered letting his stubbornness get the best of him.

"Finney I know that you don't wanna talk or see me right now, but please just open the door." Finney pondered for a second wondering if he should go down and hear what Vance has to say or hang up the phone without saying a word. He eventually made a decision after a minute or so and responded with a "Fine." Then hanging up.

Finney rushed down the stairs as if he was ecstatic to see Vance. Once he got to the front door he just stared at it for a moment but then gave in and opened it.

To his surprise, When he opened the door he saw Vance holding a bouquet of white roses, a light brown teddy bear that held a heart that had the words ' i love you' printed out on it , and what he could only was a heart shaped box of chocolates.

Finney stood in front of Vance waiting for whatever he had to say. " Finney I am so sorry for everything, I should have never put my hands on you, neither should I have lied to you about kissing other people. I know words don't mean anything but I promise that I will prove it with my own actions if you let me."

Finney stood there shocked for a moment before attacking Vance in a polar bear hug and giving him a kiss on his lips that felt like fireworks in there mouths.

"I forgive you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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