Lily x Luke + Kaede x Alex (first impression)

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Kaede POV
"Kaede, why are we even friends?" Alex asked as I thought back to the day...
It was April, gloomy and rainy, a gray cloud loomed over the school like a giant defending a castle, the sun was nowhere to be seen. Slipping my hood on, I paced towards my friends.
"Hey..." I muttered to Lily as I watched her flirt arrogantly with her cocky boyfriend, Luke.
"Lilz?" I asked, earning a glare from her enjoying boyfriend.
Things have been like this since my father lost his job as CEO in the largest bank in the world, I've always suspected they were using me, now I know it's true.

My best friend since birth was using me.

I sighed, they didn't want me there, no one did. Standing glued to the spot, I felt stupid, but more importantly, alone.
Turning to stare at the grassy field, I tried to argue with myself, or perhaps tell myself I'm wrong, that Lily still likes me fine, but those thoughts don't stay, they don't.
'Accept it, you're alone. And you will always be'
The little voice in my head giggled and laughed at me, tears welled in my eyes, threatening to fall out any moment.
"I don't feel like talking, Lily."
I said, turning to look angrily at her, only to see an unfamiliar face staring back at me, confused.
"Who are you?" I asked, scanning the scruffy looking boy from head to toe, he has brown curly hair that stretched to his forehead, his eyes sparkled like the ocean, his freckles were scattered across his pale face like stars in the sky..
I reluctantly met his gaze.
"I'm Kaede. You're the new kid?"
I asked as I cocked my head slightly. He nodded
I later on found out his name was Alex. Alex Brooks. He and his family just moved from California to London. We soon became inseparable...

"I can't believe we met 5 years ago!" I said as I hastily brushed the stray tears off my tanned face. He nodded.
"I can't believe we nearly lost touch because of a little misunderstanding!" He added as he lowered his gaze to the floor.
"Fine...huge misunderstanding..."

"I'm sorry?" He asked as a question.

I thought back to all the parties, the birthdays, the fall-outs ans memories...

"Apologies accepted."
I smiled, giving him a huge bear hug.

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