Alex x Kaede (The arguement part 2)

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Kaede POV
"Kaede! Wait we...we just wanna talk!"
I sighed, stopping abruptly, wondering what the heck he wanted from me again.
Turning to face him, I saw that he wasn't alone, they were also here, my so-called 'friends'.
All of them are traitors.
"What'd you want?" I asked, trying to look as menacing as possible, seeing them visibly shrink back.
That's what I thought...
I smirked, they should be scared.
Nova sighed, "Kaede, I...we apologise for believing Lily over you and only listening to one side of the story..."
Grimacing, I shrugged. Not bothering to reply. They hurt me deep that day, their words were knives, stabbing my heart and twisting deeper with every word.

Nina looked offended as he shuffled back, glancing bank to his friends for support, but no one said a word.
Good. Be offended.
I turned away, walking off angrily.
That's all they gotta say?
Angry tears prickled my eyes.
"K..Kaede, hear me out, please..." Instantly recognising that awkward voice, I glared back.
He stared at me with his clear blue eyes that were once bright as stars, his lips quivered like a frightful kitten, I could still remember, clear as day...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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