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I don't know why people don't trust Rin, she's kind, sweet and pretty. It was only Lily who took Simon and we did see him again, he's different but he's still Simon. Lily has even said that she will give him back to us as long as Summer doesn't come back. So honestly I'm doing great! I guess we just needed the enemy gone.

I will always love Summer since I've known her forever but right now she's dead to me. How could she make that rumour up about Rin? I talked to Axel this morning and he told me that he didn't know what to believe. I told him that she seemed a little crazy and that he should maybe just break up with her at least for a while.

"You okay?" Rin asked.

"I'm just thinking," Max said.

"You need to stop thinking about Summer, she's toxic," Rin said.

"You're right Rin," I said.

Axel walked into our room and said," Look at Summer's TikTok."

Rin got out her phone and opened TikTok. Rin typed Summer's name and a video from 5 hours ago popped up. As the video started playing I was shocked because Noah was with her. Why would he be in New York? Is that why he broke up with Kai and left him heartbroken?

"Hey I'm Summer Davis and this is my friend Noah Carter," Summer said on the video.

"You may have heard of us from Rin's tiktoks or even from the news," Noah said.

"Everything Rin has said has been a lie and I have proof," Summer said as she took out the letters and something I have never seen before it was a diary that was labelled Rin and Lily's plan.

"What is that?" I asked Rin.

"How would I know? Summer's obviously making things up again," Rin said.

"Maybe you're right," I agreed but I wasn't fully sure if she was telling the truth.

"Of course I am, let's continue watching the video," Rin said.

"Calm down," Axel said.

I honestly forgot Axel was even in the room since he was very quiet and this was the first time he spoke in minutes.

As I unpaused the video Summer opened the journal and started reading an entry Rin wrote exactly a year before Simon went missing.

"Dear journal,

I don't know how this thing with Lily started but we've been good friends for years. She's the only person I can trust right now and she and I have a plan. You're probably wondering what the plan is. Don't worry I'll tell you since I know you can keep a secret. Lily and I made this plan 2 months ago when she came up to my locker and asked if I would come to her house after school. At first, I was very confused because we hadn't seen each other in a couple of months. After school, I arrived at her house and she brought me to her room. At first, it was very awkward but after a couple of minutes, she said, " You're probably wondering why I invited you here. "Yeah I am," I replied. "I invited you here because I know you hate summer and her little group as much as I do," Lily said. "I'm listening," I said with a smirk. " I have a plan," she said. So basically she knows that girl Max?" Lily asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "I want you to get to know and then start dating her, " Lily said. What?" I said. "Tomorrow at lunch you will go up to her and ask to eat lunch with her," Lily said "Why would she say yes if she's friends with Summer?" I asked. "She likes you, I've seen her look at you," Lily replied. "Fine, I'll do it," I said. " When she's your girlfriend, come back here and I'll tell you everything else," Lily said as I walked out the door. I went home wondering what the full plan was.

Love Rin Xoxo" Summer read.

As the video finished I realised Summer was right all along. The day after she wrote that letter Rin came to me at lunch and asked to sit with me. I said yes because I was in love with her. Summer kept telling me that she was using me to get to her. I didn't believe her, but I wish I did because if I did, everything would be ok.

"Summer was right," I said to Run, almost crying.

"She's lying, Max," I said.

"I don't believe you," I yelled.

" You know I would never do this," Rin said.

"I don't know you at all anymore," I said.

"That's not true," Rin said.

"JUST GET OUT!!" I yelled.

"Wait Max-" She said.

I cut her off and said, " I trusted you," I said as tears went down my face.

"Fine I'll go but you will see that she's lying," Rin said as she ran out of the house.

'I'm sorry," Axel said as he gave me a hug.

"We're going to New York," I said as I grabbed Axel's arm and pulled him into the kitchen. I took out my computer and looked at plane tickets.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked as he was sitting on the couch.

"We're going to see your siblings and Noah," I said.

"I don't want to see Noah," Kai said.

"Fine, then you can sit on your ass and think about him," I said.

" Fine, I'll come," Kai said.

"And I'm obviously coming," Axel said.

"Just call, Summer," I said to Axel.

Axel picked up his phone and called Summer.

"Uhh hi?" Summer said as she picked up the phone.

"Summer, I'm really sorry I didn't believe you but we need you and that's why we're coming to New York." I said.

"Max?" Summer asked.

"Yes, It's me," I said.

"As long as you dumped your stupid girlfriend," Summer said.

"Oh I didn't worry," I said.

"That's good, Summer said as she laughed a bit.

"Hey babe," Axel said to Summer.

"Hey Axel," She replied but didn't seem too happy.

"You okay?" Axel asked.

"Umm yeah but I need to talk to you when you arrive," Summer said as she hung up the phone without saying anything else.

"Oh I'm sorry Axel," Kai said.

"Why?" Axel asked.

"Are you dumb, she's not happy and she needs to talk to you about something important," Max said.

"Your point is?" Axel asked.

"I think she's breaking up with you," Kai said.

"What?" Axel said.

"Guys just please shut up I bought the tickets and we have to go in 5 hours go pack," I said.

I ran to my room and I packed as much as I could fit in my suitcase and then I fell asleep until I had to leave. Axel and Kai ran into my room and we all left the house. It was time to figure out everything and hopefully get Lily and Rin arrested. I still loved Rin more than anything and I was heartbroken. Rin and I were together for a full year but I guess it was all Iie and I was just a game to her. All I wanted to do was get her back.

The disappearance of Simon GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now