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EvieGio: What does y/n feel towards pitaya Cookie, what does pitaya cookie feel about y/n?

Y/N: "How do I feel towards Pitaya Dragon Cookie? Uhm- I don't feel anything towards him! J-just as a friend! I promise!"

Pitaya: "Y/N Cookie...? Eh, I don't know. She'sss ok, I guess. But my feelings towards her? I have no idea what it's called sssince I've never felt it before. Whatever! I'll find out soon enough.


akimaj13: "How does author Chan feel about writing this book?"

Me: "Well, for the x Reader itself, it's fun. I mean- I have all of my readers that support me, and it's one of the best things I can ask for!"


YourLocalCookieSimp: "Does Y/N secretly draw Pitaya?"

Y/N: "Huh?! I don't! Really, I'm serious! Besides, I only have journals about research."


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