Chapter 4: Necklace

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♡ Prompt: Write about a piece of jewelry. Who does it belong to?

Cedrick turned around to accept a cup from Aileen. She smiled when their eyes met.
"This one's for Kiara."
Cedrick glanced down at the tag slapped onto the side of the cup and nodded.
"Thanks," He said, heading back over to the counter. He paused, surveying the room. He recognized the girl who had ordered, but that was only because she had one of the most unique faces he'd ever seen. The whole left side was webbed with a maze of jagged white scars that stood out against her tanned skin. Her nose was twisted as if it'd been broken two or three times. She was standing in a corner of the cafe when Cedrick made eye contact with her. Her sharp expression made him swallow down a lump in his throat. She was probably only a few inches taller than Kam, but the way she held herself made her radiate with confidence, creating the illusion that she was much taller. Cedrick was almost afraid to say her name.
She immediately approached the counter.
"Have a nice day," He barely squeezed the words out of his throat.
The girl paused and Cedrick automatically second guessed himself. Did he say something wrong?
"Thanks," She said finally, taking her cup from him and turning.
Cedrick exhaled with relief, watching her out the door before resting his palms on the countertop. Something poked the skin of his left hand and Cedrick glanced down, eyebrows furrowing as he lifted it. A little silver chain with a cursive pendant spelling out 'Kiara' lay discarded on the countertop. A necklace. Her necklace. Cedrick quickly picked it up and turned towards the door, but the girl had already left the building and was on the way to the parking lot.
"Shoot," He muttered under his breath.
He inhaled deeply. What should he do? Cedrick looked down at the glittery pendant in his hands and felt a twinge in his chest. It looked like an expensive necklace, and Kiara wasn't a regular. He could make it.
Cedrick threw himself over the counter and landed on the other side, running to the door and throwing it open, the necklace enclosed in his fist. He caught a glimpse of her blonde head ducking into her car. He ran after her, practically throwing himself across the hood to stop her from pulling out. She stared at him from behind the windshield, probably in shock. He couldn't blame her.
Cedrick quickly pushed himself to his feet, rounding the car to the driver's door. Kiara slowly rolled down the window and Cedrick felt his heart racing. He hoped it must be from the sprint he'd just thrown himself into with no warmup, not from the sight of her gnarled face. 
"You," Cedrick paused to inhale, catching his breath, "You dropped this."
He extended the necklace and her eyes went big. She quickly snagged it from his hand, staring up at him like she couldn't believe he had held it. Cedrick rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what to do. Should he go back now?
"Thank you," She whispered, surprising him. She lowered her eyes to the name tag pinned on his chest, "Cedrick."
Cedrick gave a small nod.
"Have a nice day. Again."
He caught the sight of a barely formed smile on her lips.
"You too."

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