Part 7

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This time there wasn't candlelight or music. There was moonlight slipping through the blinds on the french doors, the strong smell of the natural cleaning products Molly had forced her to buy instead of bleach from where Sonny had cleaned the bathroom multiple times during the night, and although she imagined she could hear her body shaking from wanting something she was so afraid of, there was no sound.

"Breathe. Breathe. Breathe." She whispered to herself as she stared at his collar and not his eyes. Alexis felt his hands tighten around her waist as he placed a long kiss on her neck, his tongue slightly grazing the spot that after all these years only he could find. He remembered, and she remembered how her legs threatened to melt beneath that night in his penthouse, because they were threatening to do the same thing now. His strength held her.

"I've got you," he whispered against her skin. He knew where she was physically, and she trusted that because as much as she wanted him in this way, her body had little strength of its own to do what her mind, heart wanted.

"Sonny," she said, pulling him closer, wrapping him in her arms, and resting her head on his shoulder. She felt him running his hand soothingly up and down her back. "I may not be able - I mean -"

He pulled back from her embrace so that he could look into her eyes. He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled, "You asked for me. Without clothes. In your bed. As far as I'm concerned, we have forever for everything else." She looked down at the floor. He lifted her chin, kissing her lips. A few tears slipped down her cheeks, and she tried to shake her head, whether to clear them or disagree he wasn't sure.

"Did you hear me," he asked, soft as air. "Forever."

She bit down on her lip, considering whether to speak or trust his optimism. When he saw her release it and begin to speak. He cocked his head and smiled a small smile.

"Here." He said taking her trembling hands in his and placing him on the top button of his shirt. "I've always loved a slow dance with you. I'll let you lead."

Alexis took a deep breath and kissed his collar bone undoing the buttons languidly, slowly. When her actions revealed the scar that had grown more faint over the years, but was still a permanent reminder for the love he felt for her beginning in friendship, she leaned in to place a kiss there as he sighed. She pulled his shirt from his pants, pushing it from his shoulders allowing it to fall to the floor. Sonny leaned in capturing her mouth with his as he undid his belt and slid the pants from his legs.

Breathe. Breathe.

She repeated as he led her closer to the bed.

He sat gesturing for her to sit next to him. She leaned against him. He was as gorgeous as she remembered him to be ...

Sonny squeezed her hand. "This is what you want?"

She nodded, her face flush. "Well, I did eat the toast."

He laughed. Placing a line of kisses on her jaw before, pulling the cotton shirt over her head. She swayed, bracing herself with a hand on the warm, tan skin of his shoulder. Sonny helped her to lay back onto the bed, his eyes alert to any minute indication she would need to stop. He pulled the covers over them, slipping from the last piece of clothing he was wearing, making good on his promise .

"I think you may have gotten the better deal in this arrangement." He said, smiling. She ran her hands up caressing the dimples on his cheek before running her fingers into his hair and pulling his mouth to hers.

"Oh, I don't know. It was pretty amazing toast after not eating for 24 hours. If it stays down that is ..."

He looked down at her breasts, one covered in purple and green bruising and one that looked healthy and unmarred, but he now knew that beneath the flesh were tumors hidden from view, poisonous and deadly. Sonny ran his fingers along her chest and felt her shudder. Her eyes were trusting as she felt him outlining her breast, barely touching her and avoiding the incisions and bruising. She swallowed, staring down at him as he placed a feather light kiss near the small bandages covering her incisions - seductively attempting to will the hurt away. She jumped as his hand grazed her nipple.

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