Chapter 36: Another one bites the dust

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Hound saves Gaban by attacking Keegan from behind.

(Somewhere in the forest)

John and Viktor talk about the past while the revolver is pointed at Viktor. John realized that killing Viktor would mean another war. So John ready his trigger and say his goodbye to Viktor.


Manage to dodge the bullet and immediately punch John. John and Viktor had a fight between them. Both of them were fighting for the survivability of each other, just like "Blood Brothers".

Viktor manage to get the gun but John kicks it on a nearby lake. Viktor punches and punches John when suddenly, John grabs a nearby wood that it's hard enough to knock someone out. He grabs it and slams it on Viktor's back, which puts Viktor down. Viktor was feeling unconscious while John was ready to take him down. John was about to slams him once again when suddenly. Keegan's voice was heard and John was stop by this. Viktor immediately kicked John at the stomach and pin him down on the tree.

Viktor and John punches each other until John slips and both of them fall. Viktor brings John back up and convince John to return to his old self, but John got no intentions on returning back at the French. Viktor pulls John at a nearby tree where John didn't realize that there's a carved wood. Viktor pushed John with full pain and agony, John fall into the carved wood. Viktor cries in pain, sorrow and agony as he must do what he must done, killing his own friend. The blood of the brother flows at the hands of Viktor.

[ John, had been defeated. ]

Keegan was surprised and was eradicated by pain. Hound immediately gave Gaban the axe and told him now's the chance but. Gaban throws it towards Connor. Connor stand back up and picked up the axe.

Hound manage to hold the arm of Keegan while Gaban holds his feet. Connor slams his axe towards Keegan,  Keegan screams in Pain and agony but, Connor attack him one more time with the knife that Julian Duke, his father, crafted against Keegan Vale.
Keegan fall into the ground, spilling blood. Connor was tearing of relief as he had finally reached his goal, defeating the last pure blood Goth.

Hound smiles and Gaban celebrated, but Connor asked them to do not celebrate, as he will honor the duality and rivalry of their blood and clans.

Connor thank Gaban and Hound for saving him on the moment he almost looses.

[Keegan, had been defeated]

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