Chapter Five

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Harold heard a knock at his room door. He went to go open it and there stood James Moody. "You ready mate?" James asked Harold, knowing he was most likely terrified.

"As ready as I will ever be." Harold answered truthfully. He knew tonight could become a complete disaster. Harold knew within the hour, all the hard work he has put into his job could be for nothing. He just hoped the captain would go easy on him, for he is human after all.

"You do not know what captain Smith will say, try to stay optimistic." James was even nervous for Harold, but he wanted to try to keep his mate positive.

"I suppose." Harold responded as he and James headed towards the grand stairwell to meet captain Smith for dinner.

Rose was pulling the strings on Amelia's corset as the two sisters were getting ready for dinner. "How do you think Mr. Dawson will handle tonight Rose?"

"I think he will do alright Amelia, but he is being thrown into shark infested waters. I just hope the men will go easy on him." Rose did not know how tonight would go with Jack being at dinner, but she knew he could handle himself.

"Do you like Mr. Dawson Rose?" Amelia could tell there was something more to Rose and Jack than him just saving her life just the night before.

"What? No of course not! I love Cal!" Rose argued, even though she did not know if she believed what she argued. "Are you going to talk to officer Lowe tonight?"

"Keep telling yourself that and I have no clue Rose. The captain will be there tonight and I do not want to make matters worse for Harold." Amelia did not know what to even say to Harold without making a fool of herself.

"Amelia! What has happened to you? You use to not care about rules and expectations! You need to bring that Amelia to the dinner tonight." Rose said as she tied Amelia's corset.

"You know what? You are right Rose. I need to bring that Amelia to dinner tonight." Amelia said as she walked to her closet to pick out a dress. Amelia chose a beautiful emerald dress that was tight around her bust but flowed at her waist down to her feet. She sat at her vanity applying a little more powder before getting dressed.

"Hurry and get dressed Amelia, we cannot be late! We do not need mother scolding us anymore than she already has." Rose said, trying to hurry her sister.

"Rose, I do not give a damn about what mother has to say to us. Besides I am ready, let's go." Amelia and Rose linked their arms together as the headed to the grand stairwell to meet with Cal and Ruth. "You ready?" Amelia whispered to  her sister as they reached the top of stairwell, seeing Cal and Ruth.

"Yes, are you?" Rose asked. Ruth and Cal had already made their way down to the bottom of the stairwell. She looked down and saw Jack and officer Lowe with another officer. Harold was already staring at Amelia. Amelia made eye contact with the officer and neither of them broke it. "Hello Amelia! Are you ready?"

"Oh why yes I am." Amelia and Rose walked down the stairwell with Rose, Jack was waiting at the end. Amelia was honestly shocked how handsome Jack looked, not saying he was not a handsome man, but she did not think he cared. He reached out and grabbed Rose's hand, placing a kiss on it. He did the same with Amelia. He mentioned something about seeing that in a nickelodeon once and has always wanted to do it. Amelia was not paying much attention to Rose or Jack, her attention was elsewhere. She could not believe how handsome Harold looked in a suit.

The minute Harold saw Amelia he could not take his eyes off of her. She looked absolutely stunning and he could not look away. He saw Jack kiss her hand and he wished that was him, but he did not want to just kiss her hand. "Harold, try not to be so obvious, Smith will be here any minute." James knocked Harold out of his thoughts. "But she does look beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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