Part 2- Choose a mentor

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When Hana finally arrived at the camp campus she felt an excitement wave surround her. Today we had to choose the activity. She is good at singing and dancing but today she had to choose one. She wants to become a dancer in the future. So, how can she miss this opportunity to train under one of the most popular and perfect dancers in the world so dancing it is.

Hana POV:

"Students we are going to classify you all into groups for the activities so who all are interested in dance please raise your hands" our teacher made an announcement

With me there were a few more students who raised their hand and then we got separated from the rest of the group.

Once we all were classified our mentors came and stood according to the groups.

"Whoa, there are many students for dance aren't there ?" J-hope asked

"Actually, there are many we need to classify them in 2 more groups so we both can do it in this limited time" Jimin suggested

"Hmm, students who are interested in dancing with me, line up behind me and same goes for Jimin."

Now, who doesn't want to train under the main dancer of BTS and the graceful contemporary dancer of BTS. It's hard to choose one. After a lot of thinking I went with Jimin

Once we were classified our mentors told us to go in our rooms and come to practice once it's 6 pm

Authors POV:

Hana came 15 mins early for the practice. It's because she still needs time to get used to the surroundings.

Hana saw the stage, feeling encouraged by the absence of the audience and started dancing gracefully, guided by the beat she was immersed in her own world. Until her mentor's voice breakthrough "You should let your arms loosen up a bit, they look a bit stiff. Rest is excellent keep it up! an advising and a praising voice said. Hana got startled and turned around only to see her mentor's attentive gaze on her.

"Oh okay. thank you for letting me know" Hana said and tried one more time using Jimin's advice.

"Good! I'm really impressed you are a fast learner I must say." Jimin praised

"Thank you." Said Hana

Soon everyone came and started practicing with Jimin.

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