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The outer banks paradise on earth sort of place were you have two jobs, or two houses, two tribe one Island. Figure 8 home of the Kooks who are hella rich then the South side natrual habitat of the pouges, were the ignored and neglected and like what thr Kooks say 'we do whatever we want whenever we want.' That's JJ my best friend since third grade he is about as local as they come best surfer I know don't tell him I said that. And thats Kiara or kie as we call her when she is not saving turtules or listening to marlene, shopping with Sarah or getting tattoos with her sister Camilla, she hangs out with us. Which I'm not really sure why though because she is a rich kid, actually though I'm not really sure how her parents feel about us I guess we all sorta really have a thing for her. And thats Pope the brains of the operation is the smartest person i know, a little bit of a weirdo his father is a legendary heyward anything you wanted on the Islands. That's my crew. And thats me John Bucker Routledge.

However there is not just us Pouges upon this Islands. Like I said there are the Kooks. The rich folk who care nothing for us low lives. There is Sarah, Sarah Cameron, I work for her dad, she lives on figure eight, I see her around now and then. I haven't spoken to her much, but from Kie she is the kindest down to earth Kook you will ever meet. Then there is her boyfriend Topper, he is a chill Kook but hates Kooks, but isn't the type to really care enough to treat us like low lifes. Then there is Rafe Cameron, the Prince of the Kooks, he hates pouges with his whole heart, don't really know why the whole pouge and kook fude happened but it did. And then there is Cami. Cami Carrera, my bestfriend since I was a kid. I care for her a lot. Don't tell JJ but she is the best surfer there is. However she quit after hanging out with her side of the Island. Her and Rafe are dating, and ever since then I haven't seen her in a while. She went I a trip to Paris. She is coming back today. JJ doesn't seem too up to it. However there was more to it then that. They always seemed to Bicker and hate eacother but in my eyes. I personally think JJ has a thing for her but is too much if a pussy. But like I said, I have known Camila the Kook princess all my life. She is the most energetic, kindest Kook you would ever meet, she loves saving baby sea turtles, she has one tattoo and her thigh, and she listens to Lana del Rae and Chase Atlantic. I hope one day, she becomes part of the pouges, it would make things easy for Kie, and plus I miss my bestfriend.

Sat in the car, staring at the familiar rodes, as we cane close to the billboard that had bold italics 'Outer Banks' memories flooded by, my father looked back at me from the mirror view. I wasn't ready for Summer to be over, I wasn't ready to return and pretend like I wasn't slowly falling apart. My kook year was one hell of a ride, I have lost people along the rode. I never thought I would return to see them. I didn't want to. But its just how life is. Being a Kook wasn't so pleasant. We weren't as free as the Pouges. At least I wasn't, my mother Ana, expected me to be on my best behaviour, my dad Mike just sits back and does nothing. While my sister gets to live wild and be free with her group of friends.

I arrived, as my dad went to the boot, taking out my suitcases. Kie ran down to me embracing me in a tight hug "how was Paris?" She questioned, I smiled "it was fun, how was Outerbanks?" I asked, she gave me a shrug "the same as always." She returned, I placed my arm around her neck as we went inside. We sat in the lounge room. Kiara played the ukulele, while I sat scrolling through pictures on my phone. Old memories that haunted me. Kie checked her phone "look what Jb sent me." Kie smiled down at her phone tilting it so I could see, "we were so young." Kie commented. It was an image of us, only todlers, standing all together. It was the first time we all met. Out parents used to be a tight group like Kie and the pouges. However the fell apart, but they made a promise to introduce us all. And we did. They all clicked, however I distanced myself, I don't know why. I felt unwellcomed, unwanted. I smiled at the image "its funny how time flys by." I mumbled. Kie turned to me, and gave me a frown "why..why did you stop hanging out with us?" Kie questioned, "so what did you say about Mr Sun." I tried to change the subject, "we miss you cami. We miss you a lot." Kiara added. I looked away and shook my head from the thought.

Little did I know what would happen next....

~Invisible Strings~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin