Chapter 7: darling?

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"Bullshit, you didn't fall from any stairs!" Hermione yelled. "Yes I did now shut up!" I whisper yelled. "Yea right.." she said before turning to walk way. I walked beside her and we didn't speak until we got to our next class.

~time skip~

When the class was done we went to eat lunch in the grand hall but Hermione suddenly asked : "So y/n, how did you get those bruises again?" In a loud voice so Ron and Harry could hear. I saw Draco turn around too. "You what?!" Harry asked. I glanced at Draco and saw him looking at my neck and smirking before making a "Don't tell them" face.

"I told you! I just fell!" I yelled standing up and walking out of the room. I hated lying to them. But I didn't want them to know. They would all start judging me. Suddenly I bumped into someone, it was Danny.

"I'm sorry." I said trying to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist really firmly. "Ah Danny let go, you are hurting me." I said breaking lose from his grip. "I just wanted to talk to you!" He yelled. "Danny what the fuck is wrong with you! You could have just said so instead of grabbing me!" I yelled back.

Suddenly he pushed me against a wall and I had enough of it. "That's it." I said as I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. I got close to his ear and whispered: "Don't think I am weak Danny, I can break your arm if you touch me again." He broke free from my grip and ran off. Pathetic.

I turned around and noticed Draco had followed me out into the hallway and he had seen everything. "What did he do?" Draco said in a stern voice as he walked closer. "Why do you care, it's not like you-" I said before cutting my off by kissing me softly. When he pulled away I was dumbfounded.

"Why did you just-" and again he kissed me before I could even speak. But this time he was more passionate. He pushed me against the wall as he kept kissing me. I felt his hand on my hip and the other was holding my head so it wouldn't hit the wall.

We only stopped when we heard the door to the grand hall open. I turned to look and saw Hermione walking out, looking for me. Without thinking I ran away from Draco. I felt a little guilty for leaving him like that.

When I was far enough I stopped running and just walked to my dorm. When I got inside I laid down on my bed out of breath from the running. But I couldn't stop thinking about how he kissed me. I kept thinking about the kiss until I realised I was late for my next class.

I ran out my dorm into the hallway, running fast to Defence against the dark art class. When I finally got there I awkwardly walked into the class hoping professor Snape wouldn't notice, but he did. "Care to explain why you are so late, miss Y/L/N?" He said in his usual tone.

"I'm sorry sir, I uh.. got stuck on the stairs. They kept moving the wrong way and I was on the wrong floor." I lied. He just turned back to teach and I looked for a place to sit. Ginny was sitting next to Hermione so I couldn't sit there anymore. I looked further and found the only open seat was next to Nevil.

I didn't mind since I was also friends with him. I sat down next to him and he told me I could copy his notes. As I was writing I noticed Draco staring at me. I was sitting really close to Nevil so I could see his notes and Draco didn't seem to like it. I smirked a little when I saw that he was getting jealous.

"Thanks for the notes, you're so sweet." I whispered to Nevil, but loud enough so Draco could hear. Draco looked like he wanted to punch Nevil.

I noticed how jealous Draco was and I kind of smirked at him. He looked angry and I made a little kissy face at him which made him blush and look away.

When the class was over I walked into the hall next to Nevil to potions. Nevil and I were talking until I walked too slow and the person behind me bumped into me which made me trip and fall. Right before I hit the ground someone caught me. It was Draco.

It was a good thing that we were almost at the back of the group, so not many people saw it happen. He was holding me but quickly put me back on my feet and he brushed off his clothes before walking further.

When we got to class Nevil went and sat next to Luna this time. I wanted to sit next to Hermione but she quickly sat next to Ginny. I knew she was still mad at me because she knew I didn't get those "bruises" from falling.

I looked for an empty seat but the only seat left was next to Draco. I reluctantly sat down next to him in the back of the classroom. As I was listening to the professor Draco tapped on my shoulder. "You have to stop falling for me darling." He whispered with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and continued to follow the lesson. I asked if I could go to the bathroom and walked out of the room. When I was done in the bathroom I was slowly walking thru the halls back to class when I saw Draco walk around the corner.

"Why are you out of class?" I asked confused. "Because I wanted to be alone with you for a minute." Draco said with a grin on his face. Suddenly he pushed me against the wall and put one hand around my head and the other one on my ass. He stopped for a second. "Is this okay...." He asked looking into my eyes.

No one had ever asked that question before...

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