two | apollo/calla

176 11 13


"REMIND ME WHY WE'RE playing dress up again?" Ryder asks as he fiddles with a bald cap and spins it around his finger, smiling like an idiot.

I sigh before going over the plan again for the third time. I swear the only thoughts in his head are music and Melody, and I'm sure he'd agree with that.

Every Saturday night Calla posts about performing in her local bar. I convinced our new management to organise a car for me and the guys to watch her perform live before booking her for the tour.

My intentions are purely professional of course.

But walking into a bar as our normal selves might draw attention away from Calla and I'd die before doing that, so I had the genius idea of wearing disguises. We could have just watched her stream but I'd never miss an opportunity to see her in the flesh.

Every fucking inch of her.

Griffin was completely game and immediately started brainstorming a fake name. Ryder barely registered my words, too focused on staring at Melody like usual to listen. And Silas glared at me before walking away.


I finish explaining the plan and Ryder still looks confused. "Wait — am I wearing the bald cap?"

When I nod his expression morphs into horror, "that is not happening," he says, stroking his hair adoringly and slingshotting the cap across the room.

Okay so he cares about music, melody and his hair.

The cap smacks Melody square in the face and Ryder immediately rushes over. He cradles her head in his hands and peppers kisses all over it, "Bambi! Baby, I'm so sorry. Is your face okay? Need me to kiss it better?"

His hands are crazed as he searchers her face and she rolls her eyes, telling him she's fine.

"Get a room," Griffin gags as he glues on his fake beard.

"Shut it Hagrid, let me smooch my girl in peace."

Griffin whips around, beard half hanging off his face and flips him off, causing Melody to giggle at their antics.

Ryders face softens at the sound and he buries his face into her chest. "I wanna stay here forever. Wanna love you forever," he murmurs, making Melody smile ten times bigger and Griffin gag ten times louder.

Rolling my eyes, I head over to Silas's door and knock. "Silas. Open up, we need to leave soon."

The door opens slightly and I hear his gruff voice before I see him, "if you laugh I will kill you."

Why are all my friends so fucking dramatic? "Cool, just hurry up."

The door opens fully and Silas stands in front of me wearing his usual clothes. What the fuck? "I'm lost, where's your disguise?"

He looks at me like I'm stupid before pointing to his head. "Hat," he mutters.

And the best disguise award goes to...not him.

"Fuck sake, why would I laugh at that?"

"It's a stupid hat."

"It's my hat," I argue.

He stares at me blankly. "Just chuck on a hoodie and keep the baseball cap. We've got to leave in 5."

The door is slammed in my face.

Opening Act | Book #1 TRACE TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now