Chapter 4

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Rhea POV

Just as I was showing Tania the places where she can do a pre wedding shoot, Arjun walked in.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched him stride into the room, his presence commanding attention. He was engrossed in a phone conversation, his voice dripping with authority and determination.

As he paced back and forth, his words carried a weight that resonated deep within me. I couldn't help but be drawn to his aura of power, like a moth to a flame. It was as if the room itself bowed down in deference to him, acknowledging his influence and magnetic charisma.

Tania, ever the spirited sister, caught sight of Arjun and greeted him with a mischievous grin. "Well, well, look who decided to grace us with his presence. About time, big brother!"

Arjun rolled his eyes, but a faint smile played at the corners of his lips. "You know, Tania, the world doesn't revolve around your wedding," he retorted, his voice laced with mock annoyance.

They were like two peas in a pod, their sibling bond evident in the way they interacted with each other. I couldn't help but smile at their obvious love for each other.

Amidst their playful squabbles, Tania turned her attention to me. "Rhea, can you believe this guy? He thinks he's the boss of the universe!"

Arjun shot her a mock glare before turning his attention to me. "The wedding planner. what was your name again ?"

In that moment, my mind raced with a mixture of emotions. Part of me felt a twinge of insult.

I wanted to retaliate, to shout out, "It's Rhea, Arjun! We met on the flight and you hired me as wedding planner, remember?" But I knew better than to let my emotions get the best of me. Instead, I took a deep breath, mustered up a cheery tone, and replied, "It's Rhea, Mr. Dalmia. Nice to see you again."

Tania shot me a knowing look, as if she sensed the undercurrents between Arjun and me. In that moment, I was grateful for her presence, a subtle reminder that I wasn't alone in navigating this enigmatic connection.

As we resumed our discussion, my focus shifted back to Tania and her vision for the wedding. It was my duty to bring her dreams to life, regardless of the personal dynamics that simmered beneath the surface.

Throughout the meeting, Arjun's gaze flickered between Tania and me, his eyes seeming to hold a hint of curiosity. It was as if he was silently assessing my every move. However,he displayed a genuine interest in the wedding planning process, surprising both Tania and me.

Arjun's eyes twinkled with amusement as he observed Tania and me engaged in a friendly argument over the colour scheme for the reception. "Ladies, let's not forget that this wedding is about more than just the colour of the napkins," he interjected, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Tania rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please, Mr. Perfectionist. We know you want everything to be flawless."

Arjun chuckled, his laughter echoing through the room. "Well, it is my little sister's wedding, after all. I want it to be perfect for her."

As we delved deeper into the details of the wedding, Arjun's demanding nature became more apparent. He questioned every decision, scrutinizing even the minutest details.His critiques were sharp and he didn't hold back with his dismissive comments. It felt like there was no room for error.

Despite his cold demeanor, I remained composed, focusing on providing the best solutions and ideas to meet his expectations. It was clear that Arjun valued perfection above all else, and I was determined to prove that I was up to the task.

As I exited the mansion and made my way back to my car, the weight of the day's interactions settled on my shoulders.I couldn't help but feel a mixture of exhaustion and a renewed sense of determination.

As I sat in my car, ready to head back to my and turned the key in the ignition, the engine sputtered and refused to start. "Oh, come on!" I groaned, frustration bubbling up inside me. It was now late evening, the realization that I might have to catch a rickshaw home made me scream in frustration.

Cursing my luck, I stepped out of the car and kicked the tire in exasperation. "Great. Just great," I muttered under my breath.

just as I was about to hail a rickshaw, a sleek black car pulled up beside me. The window rolled down, revealing Arjun sitting in the driver's seat, a quizzical expression on his face.

"You still here? What happened?" Arjun asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.

I sighed, trying to hide my frustration. "My car decided to give up on me at the worst possible moment. Looks like I'll be catching a rickshaw to home."

Arjun's expression softened, and he leaned over to open the passenger door. "Get in. I'll give you a ride."

I hesitated for a moment, not sure if I should accept Arjun's offer. I didn't want to be a burden, but I also didn't want to have to take a rickshaw.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I don't want to be a bother."

"Of course not," Arjun said. "It's no trouble."

I took a deep breath and got in the car. Arjun closed the door and started the engine.

As Arjun pulled away from the curb, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. I was glad that I wouldn't have to walk home after all.

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