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It's been hours since the incident with Miguel, but now's not really the time to talk about it, since you both were on a mission, together, fighting an anomaly in your dimension. But Miguel isn't acting like himself, not at all. It almost feels like his head's in the clouds, which is definitely not at all like him. You look at him as he fights the anomaly, clawing and strangling it with his crimson web. Unlike you. You were zealous with fighting this anomaly. You missed fighting, and hated being cooped up in Nueva York, and only catching anomalies there. You notice that Miguel's still acting off, so you yank him to the side, and make sure he stays there by patting his shoulders while you go back to fighting the anomaly from Earth-658 (Earth-Cosmic)

He stares in awe at you as you brutally beat the anomaly up, finally tying it up with your formidable web. You kick it on it's side before jumping off the building before the cops came. Miguel notices bruising and minor cuts all over you, nothing too serious of course.

"Hey, Miguel? You ok?" you jog to catch up with him. He's keeping his distance from you, being more distracted than usual. Not to mention avoiding eye contact. It's been getting on your nerves, making your blood boil from the thought of Miguel ghosting you. He ignores you and walks faster. You grit your teeth, and furrow your brows. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" you shoot your web and force him to turn around. You retract him inches away from your face. You look up at him dead in the eyes. "What's up with you? You could've gotten hurt out there with your head in the clouds. Something you wanna share with the class?" you lean closer and glare at him, tugging his holographic suit. He regains his posture to look down at you. He can feel his ears on fire. Miguel didn't want to admit to himself that he actually liked it when you were like this. Asserting yourself. He found it hot.

You're finally alone with him. You want to ask him so many questions. But first, you need to know what was going on with him. You're tired of him ignoring you and brushing you off. "You didn't answer my question earlier," you say, leaning on an off white sink, crossing your arms with a scowl on your face. You're in a "break room". Where the spider-men on missions could grab a quick drink or snack. Miguel's sitting on a stool, swiveling himself slightly. He loved stools that swivel. He looks at you, then back at his hands. You tense your arms and feel your lip twitch. He mumbles something incoherently. You scoff as you walk over to him, lifting his face roughly with your hand. "Speak up and look at me," you lean down lower. He suddenly gets up, causes you to stumble back. He grabs both of your shoulders and his eyes water.

"I like you, Candy! And I'm scared that I do." his face contorts and looks down, his chin twitching. "I like you, so much, and I'm scared that I'll lose you too," he's quivering, his hands holding a desperate grip on your hoodie. You use your web to lock the door to the room. You hold your cold look, and bring him into a rough hug. His eyes widen and his mouth shakes, trying to hold back tears. You know this feeling all too well. "Puedes llorar, Miguel," you bury your face into your arms around his neck. His arms weakly hug you back, trembling against your clothes, clawing down on them slightly. His voice hitches and breaks into a quiet cry. He looks up into the fluorescent lights, the bright white light exposing you two. You both sink to your knees, letting the bigger man cry his heart out. Crying into the pain, crying into the cruel, cruel world that took all he loved in a split second, crying that you won't be taken away from him. You've never seen or heard him cry, and all you could do is soothe his back and whisper affirmations in his ear.

His crying slows gradually, both your knees sore from the linoleum floor. "I like you too, Miguel. I love you. I always have," you pull out and caress his face gently. Your expression softening. His swollen eyes stare into yours, watering at your words. You begin to panic. "No no no no no, it's ok. Don't cry my love. It's ok, it's gonna be ok. We're gonna be ok," you say quickly. You try to think fast, scattering your head for any ideas. You finally come up with a risky one. You look into his eyes and down to his lips. You go back and forth quickly while he does too. You groan and can't wait any longer. You lean in gently, placing your lips on his, squeezing your eyes shut. Miguel relaxes his eyes and kisses back, placing a hand on your cheek, smiling contently.

     Ever since that, you thought it'd be a great idea to go to another world, a world where the air was clean, a beautiful scenery to look at. You finally thought of just going to the outskirts of Nueva York, because you genuinely just wanted to spend time with Miguel.
" I thought of this place we could go to, y'know, just cool off," you say to him, exiting the break room. " And what place may that be?" he says glancing at you. "Pretty close," you shrug. "You'll see," you smile at him. He pats your shoulder before returning to his serious old self

Nueva York was brightly lit with it's neon signs in the city. You loved scenes like these, just the sheer adrenaline and brightness was enough to make you excited. You laugh as you perform acrobatics while swinging with Miguel, pulling yourself higher with each web. Flipping through the air, just feeling the wind on your face. Miguel was quite different  He stuck to the shadows, and had propelled himself quick, making sure to not be seen by citizens. He admired you from the shadows, seeing you so graceful, flexible.

His mind went to a dark place. He shakes the thought off. You finally arrive to the tallest building in the city, just like Empire State, but a whole lot taller. You land looping through the sky on your feet lightly. You lift your mask just above your mouth, resting on top of your nose. You smile slightly, showing your canines. You look at Miguel, standing slightly behind you, looking at you, his mask showing an affectionate expression. You smile wider and sit down on the ledge, he does the same next to you. You hold his hand and kiss the top of it, holding eye contact with him.

"Does it look nice?" you say, still looking at him. You feel his hand heat up and he looks away. "It looks fine," he says, his mask degenerating. You laugh and put his hand down, still holding it, and look at the sky dimming into orange across the city. You're surprised from the pressure on you. You look down to see his head resting on your shoulder. You smile and kiss the top of his head. His hair's surprisingly soft, and you love it.

"Oh my god," you say holding up your burger. "There's no way,"
You're snickering and holding the burger out of Miguel's view.

"Miguel O' Burger," you struggle to hold a straight face while looking at him.

"You've got to be kidding me," his face shriveled in horror as you laugh loudly, clutching your stomach.

Miguel O' Hara x Male Reader⁉️(hiatus)((sorry guys))Where stories live. Discover now