🍇 GRAPE SODA |5| 🍇

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Well that conversation wasn't concerning at all. Nopeeeee.

This was most likely the first time Tinky had any direct contact with his stalker. The previous conversation also proved something: there was no way Professor Barney was his stalker. (Right?) His precious teacher would never talk the way that mysterious stalker did. Whoever that was, they were a psychopath, and Barney never seemed like that to Tinky.

Besides, the stalker and Barney contradicted each other. Barney actually cared about him and even Dipsy unlike the stalker who told him to ditch her. He gave Tinky money for him and his sister yesterday when he fell asleep at school. The stalker also told him to stop going to school. Professor Barney literally taught Tinky there. If Barney were his stalker, why would he miss an opportunity for Tinky to see him?

Maybe he was just in denial because of his obvious bias for Barney, but Tinky was sure he could never be his stalker.

But the cans. The cans he found everywhere. The ones littered all of the floor of the very bedroom he was in. It was either a coincidence or undeniable proof that Barney had some sort of involvement with the stalker.

Tinky was going in circles no longer sure who to trust or who he could talk to. He could never tell Dipsy about these problems because not only would they stress her, they could potentially put her in harm's way.

All Tinky could do now was let out a deep sigh of frustration. It was about time for him to get to school anyways. Maybe he could just sit back and observe today— both Barney and his stalker with the hope they weren't the same person.

And that raised a new question: What would Tinky do if Barney did turn out to be his stalker? Tinky admittedly felt a spark of happiness knowing the man of his desires did like him back, but this made him feel guilty. From their recent Biskord exchange, the stalker was obviously a rotten person who asked Tinky to essentially abandon his life.

He had to compose himself now, however, because walking on autopilot with all of his thoughts, Tinky arrived at his first period classroom. This time he no longer felt like a lovesick boy; Tinky could only feel a thick atmosphere of dread.

A/N: I hate writing this story and I hate the fact that I wrote it even more 😭😭😭 I just needed a warm up because I wanted to write something else and I no longer see these character as who they were supposed to be. They're just some random people that happen to have these names ig 💀💀💀

🍇 GRAPE SODA [Barney X Tinky Winky] 🍇Where stories live. Discover now