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First story we've written together. I hope this works. Vera is more the get-stuff-done-on-time person. I'm the write leisurely person. We should make a good team :P comment your opinion on chapter 1!!
~Emma ❤️

Chapter 2
(Written By Emma)

"Hey, Ace of Spades" I whisper, looking at my suddenly very interesting combat boots.

"You look-er-different." He says.

"Good or bad? And you do also." I say honestly.

"Good. Definitely good." He says quickly.

"Well, I never imagined you to be one of those guys." I tell him, getting quiet and shy again.

"One of what guys? I don't know what guys you mean because there are many kinds of guys." He rambles.

"One of the guys who doesn't text his best friend, then dates her best friend after she kisses him. One of those guys." I say, frowning slightly.

"I texted yo-" I cut him off.

"No you didn't. Don't even try to lie. I sat by my phone for weeks after I moved, waiting for my phone to buzz with a text from you. But the buzz never arrived. That's what broke me." I spit at him. A tear streaks down my face.


I furiously wipe it away, running quickly to the restroom, leaving Alec silently gaping at my back. I thank every god and goddess of every religion that the bathroom is empty.

I go turn on the faucet and just stand there, silently crying, for a few moments. I look up at the mirror and am not surprised to see my mascara running and red bloodshot eyes. I grab a few paper towel.

Ouch. Those stupid brown towels feel like sandpaper.

But I just wipe under my eyes and my cheeks. I glance into the mirror again when I'm done. I need touch up my makeup but other than that I look fine. But the problem is I'm not. Well, I can pretend. I pick up my books and check the mirror one more time.

I look fine.

I walk out of the bathroom, head held high.

(By Vera)

"How was school Sky?" My dad called from the kitchen after I shut the door closed.

"Good." I grumbled, dropping my backpack on the floor.

"Did Emily and Alex remember you? Hey maybe you can invite them over!" He said, oblivious to my blue mood.

"No, they didn't." I sighed, climbing up the stairs to my room. "I'm going to call a friend."

Before dad could respond, I closed my door and locked it.

My phone suddenly rang, the song 'Living In the Sunlight' blasting.

Why you *ss! Why did you put that song as your ringtone Kristen, why?

I stumped towards my bed as I answered the phone. "'Ello poppet." I muttered in a fake British accent.

"Hey spawn of Satan, killed anyone yet?" Kristen giggled back at me. "Cause I need you to eat my bro's soul."

Rolling my eyes at her, I chuckled. "I'd love to, except I have a few souls on my menu at the moment."

"Darn, and he was being an *ss as usual. It'll be really nice to be in silence at the pool without being beaten up by a beach ball." She replied, a laugh echoing in the background.

"Was that-"

"Your creator itself? Yeah, that's Satan, AKA my brother Jordan." Kristen giggled.

I realized that Kristen was a bit giddy. "Are you drunk? Or is it a guy?"

She giggled softly. "Both. I like someone."

My eyes widened. "Get your perky *ss over here and tell me all 'bout it!"

"Okie dokie artichokie!" Kristen spoke, giggles erupting out of her. "Jordan, start the f*cking car, we're going to Sky's!"

"Yes, because I totally know where that is," a male voice, who I'm assuming is Jordan, replied sarcastically.

"I'll text you the address, see you in ten!" I grinned. "Adios!"

"Bu bye!" Kristen screeched, immediately ending the call.

Note to self, never go to a bar or club with Kristen unless you have backup.


"Skyla Bear!!! I'm hooooooome!" Kristen's voice echoed through the house.

"Yeah, luck getting to her, she practically ignored me when she got here." My dad told them, guiding them to h*ll, aka my heaven: my room.

*knock knock knock*

"Open up sugar plum!" Kristen yelled. "Or I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your door down!"

"I'm coming, you fashionable big bad wolf," I chuckled, unlocking the door and immediately turning around and jumping back on my bed. "Now shut the door will ya?"

"Sure do miss. Sky," Jordan replied, already shutting the door behind them.

"Now, I like a guy, and his name is Quinn. Total hottie by the way." Kristen started blabbing. "And he was checking me out during Gym. Should I go, or wait... I think I'll go first."

"Welcome to my sweet sweet life of living with Kristen." Jordan spoke sarcastically, sitting besides my head on the bed. "I'm Jordan by the way."

Turning my head, I saw one if the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life. "Skylar, but call me Sky."

"Well Sky, you seem like a cool chick, want to hang out sometime?"

OMFG, I think I have a new crush. And the day I come to 'face my fears' too.

"Sure, what's your number? Actually give me your phone, I'll type mine in while you type yours in my phone." I rushed out, already passing him my phone (after putting in my passcode).

He shrugged. "Kay, we can hang out tomorrow, I'm working at YumYum's FroYo. Great name huh?"

I couldn't help but crack a smile. I've finally met a sarcastic soulmate.

"Yeah, that sounds cool."



Fun Fact:

Sky's password: 4357 (help)

Kristen's #:696-364-6670
(my minions+)

Song: Kristen's ringtone

Pic: Jordan

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