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~Vera Written Zone~

~* Trigger Warning*~

"SPIDER PIG! SPIDER PIG! DOES WHATEVER SPIDER PIG DOES!" Kristen sing-yelled as we, well Jordan, drove us to all to school. "CAN HE SWING FROM A WEB?!"

"Course he can't, he's just a pig." I stated blandly, even though I was dying of laughter in the inside from the reference. "Now shut up and go look for your Quinn." I told her as Jordan parked the car in his spot. It even had his name on it! Not joking!

She squeed -literally- and ran out if the car and towards the school doors. I pity Quinn at the moment, Kristen is a handful. "Shall we... babe?" Jordan was holding the door open for me and he had his elbow out for me to grab.

Okay Sky, you can do this. It's just fake dating, it's not like you're going to be executed. I mentally pep talked myself before nodding with a nervousness smile and grabbing his elbow. "As ready as I'll ever be... baby."

He kissed me cheek, but he whispered into my ear. "You'll be fine, remember I'm always here." I kissed his cheek back in return. It was like what I did with Aiden when I used to drop him off at school. If you're wondering, dad had woken up early today and dropped of Aiden today.

Grabbing my backpack, I turned around only to be met with 90% of the school looking at me and Jordan. Sh*t! Okay, maybe it's not to late to go back home and fake an illness. I though silently to myself. My eyes landed on Emily and Alec. Emily was pretty mush sucking his face off, and mumbling- lord knows what! Alec, on the other hand, was glaring at Jordan, but when his eyes met mine, they softened before hardening and he stomped off to-again, lord knows where- with Emily in tow. Okay, it's working... Maybe it'll be worth it.

Nudging him forward, we walked hand in hand to my locker. "Now, how about a kiss, babe?" He smiled at me jokingly, but I quickly kissed his cheek. "You missed."

"Oh, trust me, I wasn't aiming for the lips Jordan." I smirked at him as I expertly opened my locker without looking. "Now, what are we doing for lunch? Cause I'm not going to share." I stated as I took out the books I'll need. "And I'm sure you won't want to either."

He put his hand on his chest dramatically and gave me a sarcastically loving look. "Why, babe! You know me soooooo well!" I snorted at him as I slammed the dark blue locker door close. "But you're right Sky, I'm not sharing. Even Andy knows this."

"Sure, okay, whatever Jordy-boo." He pouted at the nickname I gave him, causing me to laugh out loud, before joining me to walk to the ever so joyous music class. "I'm going to wish you an early good luck for today." I stated, remembering that today he was performing."

Rolling his eyes, he responded in a stereotypical popular girl voice. "I don't need any luck honey, I'm gonna win!" When he finished, we both laughed, mine slightly forced because of all the stares I felt. I hope today goes by faster then the Flash on RedBull.


"DON'T BELIEVE ME, JUST WATCH!!!" Kristen sang, swinging her hips with Quinn as we walked to the cafeteria. "Dun dun du-dun. Dun dun du-dun. Dun dun du-dun!" Quinn laughed at her craziness as he danced along with her.

She had introduced us right after her gym class, which was their third class of the day. She had asked him out in the most Kristen was possible. She introduced him as 'her boyfriend', he asked what, and then she just right out asked him out. Well, demanded that he and her go to a nearby party.

"How the h*ll are we related?" Jordan asked, making me chuckle at him.

"Babe, no cussing, there are children in the room." I stated jokingly. He just stuck his tongue out at me before pushing open the doors that may possibly lead us to our doom.

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