Pickup Lines

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So, I know that a ton of people say that pickup lines never work in real life but, I am apparently proof that they do.

Back last year October when my ex and I got together, I had confessed to her a day or two before and because we were friends
(and still are even after the break-up)
We were sitting down and talking about music, our favourite bands, our favourite genres and such as friends do.

So, as I was just unsuspectingly sitting there next to her I suddenly hear:

"Ya know, you look like my first wife."

So I respond stupidly,

"But you've never been married..."

Then I hear her say,

"That's the point."

And it takes my stupid brain a whole ass like, five minutes to realize (even tho I had been blushing since she said that) that she had just used a pickup line on me and she was hitting on me.

So, um... yah. I am proof that they work...

We started dating later that day and dated for a whole ass like, 5-6 months.

And just so you know my dear beans, this was my first relationship, EVER.

Yah, so, if you ever plan to use a pickup line on someone you like, it might work... But it also might take the other person a minute to process what you just said.

And here is a sign that my like 5-6 year old sister wrote out for me like a day or two after my birthday.

Have a very nice rest of your time until my next update my beans!

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Have a very nice rest of your time until my next update my beans!

Your author,

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