chapter one - meeting diane

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y/n pov
i was walking home from my favourite coffee shop, tears escaped from my dark brown eyes. i don't even know why i'm crying right now. i've been feeling so anxious all day and i just got too overwhelmed at the big crowd of people.
as i sniffled and wiped my tears with the sleeve of my soft lavender hoodie, i heard a woman's voice call over to me, "sweetie are you okay??" said the woman with concern in her voice. i looked up and met the woman's worried eyes, she was very pretty. she had medium length wavy auburn hair and deep brown eyes that looked so loving. she was in her garden holding a watering can in her hand.
i played with my necklace nervously and nodded my head shyly, "y-yes miss i'm sorry"
she set down her watering can and walked over to me "oh honey why are you crying hm? are you hurt?" she asked you gently.
you looked up at her and shook your head "no i'm not hurt"
the older woman gently strokes your long hair and looks at you with a loving smile "would you like to come inside and have some tea love?" she said sweetly. you nodded your head shyly and bit your lip anxiously. she took your hand in hers and lead you into her home.

*Authors Note*
hii sorry i know this chapter is very boring and very short but i promise the rest of the book will be better. if you have any suggestions or requests that you would like to see in this book please either dm me or comment!

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