tea time - chapter two

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y/n pov
as diane lead me into her home, i couldn't help but look around in complete awe. the house was so warm and cozy, very welcoming.

"make yourself at home sweetie, i'll be in the kitchen making your tea okay?" diane said as she
walked into the kitchen.

i looked around and went to sit on the sofa, usually whenever i'm at a new persons house they have a pet that i can use to ease my anxiety. but looking around, there was no sign of any animals. i sighed and played with my fingers anxiously.

"here is your tea honey!" diane announced, slightly startling me.

i smiled and took the warm cup of tea from her gentle hands, "thank you so much diane this smells amazing."

she smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of my head "you're welcome baby" she said as she sat down next to me on the sofa.

i looked down at my cup and blushed deeply, she called me baby.

i lifted the cup up to my lips and took a small sip, only to be met with burning liquid. i yelped and pulled the cup away.

"oh honey! are you alright??" diane asked with worry painting her beautiful face.

i nodded and set my cup down on the coffee table, "yes i'm sorry i just forgot to let it cool off"

she nodded and stood up from the couch, "here i'll go get you some water sweetie" diane offered kindly.

i waited patiently for her and smiled shyly when she returned with a cold cup of water in her hand.

"here you go love, that will help your tongue cool down" the older woman cooed at me and gently gave me the glass.

a few hours later
for the past few hours diane and i had just sat at the couch getting to know more about each other.
i really enjoyed learning more details about her.

i learned that she loves to garden
loves to go thrifting
she absolutely loves reading
is crazy for coffee (we have that in common)
and her favourite holiday is Christmas.

after we had been talking for so long, diane suggested we watch a movie. and because she is so kind, she let me pick what we were gonna watch!

"how about while you pick something for us to watch, i'll go and grab some snacks okay babydoll?" she asked with a soft smile.

i blushed deeply and nodded shyly. oh. my. god. this woman is going to give me a heart attack. a new nickname, babydoll.

while diane was grabbing some snacks, i clicked through netflix, trying to find the perfect movie.

my face lit up as i saw one of my favourite movies, 'Bloomington'.

i hesitated to pick it, because what if it made diane uncomfortable? what if she doesn't like girls? what if she doesn't like that i like girls?

i jumped when i heard diane come into the room "hey honey! pick something yet?" she asked while walking towards me.

i nervously nodded "um i was thinking maybe this one?" as i pointed at the tv.

she smirked and nodded "i love this movie so much!" the older woman sat down next to me and pulled a blanket over us.

i pressed play and bit my lip in excitement.

my cheeks turned pink when i felt diane pull me closer to her, and stroke my hair.

i lean into her embrace and melt into her soft touch. i could stay here forever.

we were halfway into the movie when the library scene came on. (if you haven't watched bloomington, the library scene is a super super sexy scene)

i blushed and looked down, playing with my fingers nervously. why did i pick this movie.

i felt diane pull me closer, if that was even possible. "are you okay darling?" she asked with a low voice.

i looked up at her and cleared my throat "y-yep just um thinking."

she smirked and lifted my chin with my beautiful finger, "don't lie to me little girl."

we both jumped when all of a sudden my phone rang. "i'm so sorry, it's probably my mom" i said annoyed.

i picked up my phone, pressing the answer button and holding it up to my ear. "hello mom." i said with a sigh.

"okay mom i'll be right there" i said and then hung up. i looked up to diane and nervously bit my lip.

"s-so that was my mom and she said i have to come home right now." i said disappointed that i had to leave my new favourite person.

"that's okay baby, maybe we can see each other tomorrow!" she said hopefully

i smiled and nodded. "i would really really like that diane."

she walked me to the door and pulled me into her warm embrace, and softly kissing my head.

"i'm so glad i met you sweetheart, come by anytime okay?" she said as she rubbed my back in soft circles.

after we said our goodbyes i left her home and immediately felt empty. how will i ever survive without diane.

oh perfect i'm already completely attached to the woman i met literally today. #mommyissues

A/N: hii everyone so this is chapter two! slow burn but it's something! i promise i'll try to update more often. have a great day/night!!

i need you. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon