Chapter 3

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(Girl in the picture is how I picture Nikki to look like.)

"First off fuck your bitch and the clique you claim." - Tupac

It was around noon when Miranda came running across the sidewalk; her black and blonde hair flying behind her face.

"What the fuck is her problem?" I asked Mark, who shrugged in response.

"Who knows, there's always a problem with her."

She had that stupid blonde peekaboo shit that was random blonde streaks through dark hair. She looked like a skunk. The expression she had gave me a feeling this wasn't going to be good news, but with Miranda, nothing was ever good news.

She was the queen of over dramatization; she made everything out to be bigger than it was. Miranda's face was screwed up- her eyebrows or what was left of them were twisted into some kind of frown. She was the kind of girl who plucked her eyebrows to basically nothing then poorly drew them on, making them look like she colored them with a sharpie.

I once pointed that out to her and she didn't like it very much.

As she was running her mini skirt kept flying up, and her shirt fell down, her tits flopped everywhere. Mini-skirts and tube tops were not for everyone and Miranda just happened to be one of those that should not ever, ever wear those things with the amount of stuff that hung from underneath them.

I rolled my eyes. Miranda was famous for banging every guy with a face and that gave her the time of day. Last I'd heard she gave Seth syphilis. I didn't get close enough to him to ask.

She lived with her Grandma, five houses down from me. She was younger than us at fifteen, but had slept with more guys than I have, and I've gotten around. I didn't screw to get respect- I screwed to get off. Miranda didn't really have a positive female figure in her life considering her mom was just a teenager herself and was found dead in a back alley from a drug overdose.

I didn't think any girl in the North Side had a female role model she could look up. However, I didn't go around fucking every guy just to feel loved. I felt bad for Miranda and everything, but she left her dignity and self-respect behind when she screwed three guys in one night at a party. She was also one of the annoying sluts that hung around the apartments, where my ex-boyfriend Rick met his new love interest.

"Hey, look at Tits McGee." Seth muttered, and I couldn't help but laugh considering Miranda and Seth used to have a thing. At one point, Miranda was the 'hottest girl' Seth had ever laid eyes on until some other slut caught his attention.

"Slut." I coughed.

"She's kinda hot," Mark said, shrugging. All three of us turned to raise our eyebrows at him. Ever since he slept with me, his standards had dropped significantly whenever I would blow him off.

Even though we had sex last night, I wasn't jealous.

"Marky-Mark, you gotta lay off the acid or whatever the hell you've been smoking."

"Shut up, Nick. I could say the same thing about you and Rick."

"Yeah well that's over and done with."

"Rick must've been smoking something serious to think Heavenly's more attractive than you." Mark said, nudging me with his arm, trying to make me feel better.

He was good like that sometimes.

I had never seen Heavenly, but I was going to take Mark's word for it. It made my bruised ego feel better.

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