Author's note

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This is based off of my own experiences in drugs and gang involvement. 

All characters are based off of someone in real life as are the situations in the book. Names have been changed for privacy purposes and situations have been slightly altered and changed.

Contains extremely mature content (drug use, graphic violence, swearing & sex scenes). Read at your own risk.

*This is my baby and what started it all so thank you so much for taking the time to read this*

If you're interested in the other characters, I have started a series about everyone else's backstory.

Notorious is all about Shane and it really helps give a background to the kind of relationship they used to have and why Nikki is so emotionally damaged.

The Rose That Grew From Concrete is all about Kristen and her traumatic childhood and how she tries to cope with the lifestyle she was dealt. 

What people are saying:

"This is the life of several girls, this isn't just a story. "

"... it humanizes a particular group that is outcast in society. Its like giving the villain's perspective in a book, but fleshed out dynamically."

"Good god I am deeply in love with this story and I wish you all the best with its future. I love these characters and I love their relationships and how they're portrayed..."

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