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(Also they have tars and tails bc I said so, and its no joke kinda hot- I'm not a zoo btw if that's what your getting from me saying that- istg I'm probably digging my grave)

Bakugo's POV

Sat in class, facing the board as the worm spoke, saying we would be taking a test to figure out our sub-gender was. I of course was an Alpha, I don't need no damn test to prove it. He handed out the paper tests and told us to write our names, the date, and our class number on the paper then we were allowed to continue on with the questions.

after the test, abt 30 mins later

We handed the papers back and were informed that we would get the results back after about two weeks and continued on with the original topic we were focusing on,  solving two-step linear equations.. which I learned in 6th grade..

After class bc class is boring

The bell rang like always and everyone rose from their seats, the so called "bakusquad" made way over to me talking about what they thought they were. "honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I got Omega.." I heard Kirishima say "You- an Omega? look at me bro. If anything I'm an Omega!" Dunce face laughed.

"What do you think you are Bakubae?" Raccoon eyes asked "An alpha, what else?" She looked at me "well there's also beta and Omega soooooo.. one of those could be what you are-" I growled lowly and glared at her "I was just joking around Bakubabe-" Tape face sighed as he walked over with his ears slightly flattened. "You good bro-?" Kirishima asked sounding genuinely worried. I will say it made me slightly jealous although I haven't confessed.. there's no way he would like me anyways. I'm too explosive.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just- why does having a crush have to be so hard?" before anyone could say anything I spoke "It's really not that hard to like someone, it's the confessing that stumps me-" I haven't a clue why I said that and now I'm doomed. "WAIT- Bakubabe has a crush!?" Mina squealed I looked her up and down "And you dont?" She smiled "one of the perks to being aromantic" i rolled my eyes.

"I- don't have a crush anyways it's stupid to like someone who would ever like an explosive and aggressive person like me?" I growled "Stop growling so much- and plus, I know that one of my friend's like aggressive people who are kind on the inside so shut up" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

Keeping my ears pinned back, not scared but it kinda just comes with the scowl I always seem to keep, Dunce Face calls it my "Resting Bitch Face" that he also says has been perfected. I made my way back to the dorms with the damn squad following.

Once we were inside the dorm building I made way to the elevator and pressed the three, since my dorm was on the third floor. one the elevator doors opened I walked to my dorm and walked in, closing the door behind me. I let my ears perk up and changed into some black sweats and my casual black tee with a skull on it.

Yawning, I laid down for a nap seeing as the squad will more than likely want to do something this afternoon, like some damn truth or dare shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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