The New Teacher

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He walked down the hallway of his apartment in the center of London, he had set a pot of coffee to brew and checked his balcony for any owls. There was a small barn owl that he hadn't seen since he was a student, next to it was a snowy owl with his issue of the Daily Prophet. The man grabbed two rats he kept for whichever Daily Prophet owl that delivered the newspaper. He stepped out and put two knuts in the snowy owl's coin pouch, then gave her a rat, and she flew away.
He then turned to the barn owl, he gave the owl a rat in return for the letter, then he spread his wings and flew away.
The man opened the letter from Hogwarts first, the red feather tattoo on his arm flexed as he opened it, it read;

Dear Mr. Takami Keigo,
You have been chosen for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts, if you choose to accept, please come to Hogsmeade on July 20th 1993 to start your career at our school, if you cannot make it by that date please send your owl, you may apparate, fly by broom, or if you cannot make it until the day the train arrives you may take that. Please have your lessons prepared before then.

Nezu Paddington
Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Keigo smirked at the letter, he knew he was very good at the subject, but was surprised he wasn't invited to be the Flying teacher, as that's what he did for most of his life. He was the seeker on the Hufflepuff team and the Chudley Cannons seeker until he became an Auror. He always knew that's what he wanted, but he always felt so free in the sky.
He grabbed a spare quill, ink and partridge and quickly wrote his response. He couldn't wait to be back at Hogwarts, it was like his home away from home when he was a student there, though he much preferred to stay there during the holidays  because home was honestly a shitty place to be at when his parents were home at the same time.
Keigo's father was in and out of Azkaban, when his mom and him were alone, she was better to deal with then. Once when his dad was in Azkaban, she got him a knock-off plush of his favorite Quidditch player, Enji Todoroki, he played directly for England's best team. The man was originally from Japan, and named all four of his kids traditional names.
He walked from his apartment to Diagon Alley, his owl was currently injured so he didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was. No one questioned him as he walked, he had yellow sunglasses and a pair of over-the-ear headphones connected to the Walkman one of his old housemates got him when they graduated, he had bought some cassette tapes and filled them with songs that he had enjoyed throughout the years. Many passersby saw him as some stuck-up Englishman with a hint of something they didn't recognize.
Keigo walked in time with Another One Bites The Dust by Queen, it was one of his favorite bands, along with Nirvana.

His hawk-like eyes met the sign of The Leaky Cauldron, he slipped inside after shaking out his hair after taking his headphones off, and pausing his Walkman, he opened the door to the quiet and familiar hum of noise from those who were staying in the inn and tavern.
"Oh hello," The barkeep smiled, "You're usual?"
"Nah not yet mate," Keigo raised a hand in a dad-wave, "I got a letter to be a teacher at Hogwarts."
The barkeep smiled as he walked to the door to Diagon Alley, he took his wand out of his belt and opened the secret door. There it was slightly louder than the bar, but not unbearable. He made his way to the Owl Post Office, yeah he could have apparated, but then he wouldn't have been able to get his coffee from a small cafe that sometimes had a young boy he recognized as Enji's youngest son, Shoto.
As he opened the door, there was a ding and he walked up to the front, eyes wandering this way, and that. Many owl eyes met his.
"How can we help you sir?" The Postmaster raised an eyebrow.
"I need to send an owl to Hogwarts," He replied, "I don't mind what kind of Owl"
He placed the letter, and  5 knuts and two sickles on the counter. After he paid, the owl was sent on its way and he left. He walked back to The Leaky Cauldron and paid for a Butter Beer.
Keigo read the Prophet and sighed at the article about the League of Wizards killing another innocent muggle family. The children survived as always but anyone who was older than 23 was killed and strung up as if they hung themselves.

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